V4V : Community Support Program

in Steem Alliance2 years ago


Hello friends of Steem Alliance,

Dear all community admins, especially communities based in Indonesia.

Community Support Program

Building collaboration with various communities is very important to increase community growth. With collaboration we can more easily build communication, expand networks and reach more contributors to develop the community. There is nothing wrong if every community based in a certain country area forms a coalition to support each other.

Therefore, I took the initiative to create a collaborative program that will involve a number of communities based in Indonesia. I call this program "Community Support", a program aimed at collaboration and cooperation to promote community growth. In developing this program I have a concept called V4V.

What is V4V ?


V4V stands for (Vote For Vote), a system that will run in the implementation of the "Community Support" program. V4V aims to gather all available resources from all communities based in Indonesia to collaborate with each other and provide support for increasing the value of posts. V4V is a joint system that is run to distribute voting to all communities who are members of the community support coalition.

The tag line of this program is connecting, engagement, grow (connecting and engaging to grow up community).

  • Connecting: build communication, cooperation and collaboration among communities who are members of the coalition.
  • Engagement: increase engagement on the platform 24/7 by distributing rewards to increase post value.
  • Grow: provide mutual support for community growth and increase community account resources.


The objectives of the establishment of this community support Indonesia coalition are as follows:

  • Increase cooperation and collaboration among communities based in Indonesia.
  • Strengthening unity and cohesiveness among fellow community Admins.
  • Collect existing resources to increase the value of rewards.
  • Increase development efforts and community account growth.
  • Distribute votes to coalition communities to increase value on posts.
  • Collaborating to increase steemit promotional activities in Indonesia.
  • Support each other to achieve and realize the goals, vision and mission of the community.
  • Increase the number of participation and contributors in the community who are members of the coalition.
  • Campaigning and promoting cross-community within the communities that are members of the coalition.

Indonesia Coalition


This Community Support program is open to all communities based in Indonesia, whether general communities, countries or communities with certain specific topics. I invite all developing communities based in Indonesia to join the "Community Support" program for the Indonesian coalition. The communities that are developing in Indonesia are:


cara kerja.png

The scheme of how to work in the community support program with the V4V system is quite easy and simple. Communities who are members of the coalition seek to cooperate with each other by gathering all available resources to increase the value of posts in the community. Communities who are members of the coalition support each other by upvoting posts.

The supported posts are 1 community account post and 3 posts that were selected as the best posts in each community. The schedule and curation scheme are as follows:

  • Steemit Travel : Monday
  • Steem For Betterlife : Tuesday
  • Hot News Community : Wednesday
  • Steem Entrepreneurs : Thursday
  • Steem Indonesia : Friday
  • Steem Database : Saturday
  • Steem SEA : Sunday

Vote 50% - 70% for community accounts

Vote 30% - 50% for the top 3 posts chosen by the community.

Giving an increase in the value of rewards as an appreciation for work will have an impact on motivation and interest to produce quality posts.

The schedule above is the schedule for coalition members who will receive upvote support from the communities that are members of the coalition. For example, Monday is the schedule for the Steemit Travel community to receive support from the coalition community. So, the Steem For Betterlife community, Hot News Community, Steem Entrepreneurs, Steem Indonesia, Steem Database and Steem Sea provide upvote support for the Steemit Travel community, and vice versa in the following days.

Regarding the schedule, methods and support schemes can be discussed further based on the agreement of the parties who want to join the Community Support Indonesia Coalition program.


Community Support is an initiative that aims to build collaboration with various communities in an effort to increase community resources. This program will of course also have an impact on cross-promotion between fellow communities who are members of the coalition. Instead of increasing the value of the post, it will have an impact on increasing the number of participation and contributors in each community.

On certain days, of course, there will be participation to share quality posts in the coalition community to be selected as top 3. This is because they hope to enter the top 3 and be selected to get more rewards. It will also encourage a growth chart in block steem activity which is included in a number of web monitor search and tracking reports.

By increasing the number of active users as they get more rewards, it will also have an impact on global status and ranking for steemit on Dapp tracking engine. The more popular the platform is used, the greater the chances of getting into the top rankings. For community admins based in Indonesia who want to join this program, you can contact me via Discord ponpase#2391 or through WA contact in the Steemit Sharing Group.

I hope this Community Support program can run smoothly and get the attention of other community admins to form their own coalition. Ideally to form this coalition is with the support of 7 community members. Hopefully this program can be an idea and adopted to grow community resources.

Thus posting a brief explanation of the Community Support program. Hopefully this program can be useful for Steemit's growth. Thank you for reading, responding and providing support.

I'm always open to criticism and suggestions, so don't hesitate to comment or even debate. Thanks for reading, supporting and commenting. Good luck to all!

Help us to grow, please follow us on:

Steemit promotional video through Youtube that I have published

I also invite you to support the witnesses who focus on community development, they are @bangla.witness @visionaer3003 @pennsif.witness. Please review and vote for them as witness !

Via steemit wallet https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses

Via steemworld https://steemworld.org/witnesses?login

Vote for @bangla.witness via steem connect https://steemlogin.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=bangla.witness&approve=1

Vote for @visionaer3003 https://steemlogin.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=visionaer3003&approve=1

Vote for @pennsif.witness via steem connect https://steemlogin.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=pennsif.witness&approve=1





Thats really great idea,from this you try to incresing quality posts in those community.

Thats really great.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Saya secara pribadi tidak keberatan dengan programnya, bahkan saya sangat setuju dengan ide-ide baru untuk pengembangan steemit. Namun untuk teknis dan kesepakatan lebih lanjut butuh persetujuan dari seluruh tim komunitas yang berbasis di Indonesia. Silahkan menghubungi masing-masing adminnya untuk tindakan lebih lanjut. Terimakasih 🙏

Ide yang sangat luar biasa . Steem On !

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