Toads Bait Shop #18 Coonfoot VS Bigfoot

in #punchline7 years ago (edited)


Well since the cat is out of the bag, I guess I will tell you about my first encounter with the Bigfoot legend, it came from another great legend in my own life, Coonfoot. Now folks laugh and make fun of Coonfoot, but I grew up with him, he is as strange as the day is long, but he is a believable, honest, hard working mountain man who would give you the shirt off his back, that last part is 100% true because he doesn't own any shirts. I mean NO SHIRTS at all, we had to take him a couple while he was in the county lockup for his appearance before the Honorable Judge Carl Poowhistle.

Now before I dive right in, I want you to know I was not a believer, nor am I crazy as I have been tested. By me sticking my neck out and discussing this I will probably drop below fifty steemit followers, go look if you don't believe me. This subject will throw me into that nut class and as I'm old now, I'm OK with it. I can always buy a few bots or run a contest to get my rep back up. This is just the first of many of our stories about Bigfoot I will share, this is just my introduction into this subject and I wanted to start from the beginning. Well now with that out of the way, lets jump right into the tale.

It was a cold and dreary November night, we were finishing up our last catfish tournament of the year, a few of us stayed at the boat ramp which happens to be one of the most secluded in the state. It is on the back side of a State Park and getting there with our boats is a feat in itself, 15 miles of a narrow gravel road winding its way over a couple of mountains with the only human inhabitant is the Ranger Station where Ranger Claude stays during hunting season. Since we fish in areas so remote, cell service is very sketchy, so we all use CB radios.

About 10 minutes after Coonfoot left the ramp in his 1943 Ford wrecker, the CB started going nuts, Coonfoot was talking so fast and loud that we knew something was definitely wrong, it takes a lot to get this dude excited.
We all jumped in our vehicles and headed his way, we was getting bits and pieces of his gibberish, something in the road, now he is chasing it, then in his next key of the mic we heard the most God offal crash I think I've ever heard. Well we found him, low and behold there was Coonfoot's wrecker right in the middle of Ranger Claude's front porch. There on his hood was a 22 point mechanical mule deer that Ranger Claude uses during the season, Coonfoot was on the ground with Ranger Claude on top of him adjusting Coonfoot's shinny new bracelets.

Needless to say the Ranger was shaken and very upset, we all gathered around to try and figure out what had just happened. Coonfoot says that he saw a Bigfoot standing in the road with that deer tucked under his arm. When he turned on the wreckers spot lights and lit up the Bigfoot, it took off running down the mountain so Coonfoot gave chase and about half way down the mountain he managed to catch the Bigfoot and deer with his over sized bumper, but he also lost his brakes. He said the last thing he remembers was seeing the Rangers front porch.

Well it was a story no one was a biting on and within the hour there must of been 20 other Rangers, County and State Police there on site. They was interviewing all of us and we told what we all had heard come over the CB. Coonfoot had already been hauled away, we managed to talk the Ranger into not towing the wrecker, as Coonfoot wrecker is the only one in the county that is able to travel in remote areas and the funny part is, most of his customers is us and the Rangers.

Me, Toad and Harold was out at our trucks, the only ones left on sight. We was waiting on a tow truck from another county to come and remove Coonfoot's wrecker off of Ranger Claude's porch, when we noticed the mechanical deer was gone. We started looking around and to our astonishment, we saw the backside of some creature, at least 8 foot tall, headed over the side of the mountain with that deer once again, tucked under his arm, just as Coonfoot described it. This thing moved like no other creature I have ever saw. It disappeared within a few seconds and to be honest, I was relieved. That thing was scary looking. Toad was in his truck, doors locked and I swear he was trying to get under his truck seat.

Well that is what got me hooked, I know what I saw, but I don't know what I saw was. That was a few years ago, our little catfish group now hunts for Bigfoot in our area and it is amazing at how many other folks have had some sort of encounter with this creature, heck even Judge Poowhistle showed up at one of our meetings and yes, once Coonfoot got released he managed to track that thing down and somehow recovered that deer which is now on display at the Salt and Battary Restaurant, claw marks and all.


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