The ideal man: a creation of your choices.

in #writing7 years ago

We all crave for what is exactly right for us which suites a particular purpose or situation that we find ourselves in. Most things we consider as ideal are only existing as an archetypal idea and existing as a mental image or an imagination only; broadly:lacking practicality.
Unlike realism which shows or descibes people and things as they are in real life, idealism is a theory that the essential nature of reality lies in consciousness or reason. The ideal man is merely an imagination in our minds that brings out the innermost desires of the specifications of what we consider as perfect and it varies with each individual. Let's take a look at three categories of men and women; in the first category, we have mr.A and mrs.A.
Mr.A loves a tall and woman whose complexion is as bright as the morning sun with huge succulent breasts that bounces with each movement that she makes and big buttocks and bracket-like hips that won't stop competing for attention, flat tummy like that of an athlete, supercute perfectiocan make babys go jealous, beautiful dentition and lips shaped like Cupid's bow.
And while mr.A desire all of this, mr.B loves a woman that is a good cook, takes good care of his house, very respectful, accomodating, tolerant and good in bedroom matters.
On the other hand, mrs.A loves a man about 6ft tall with a big broad chest and abs on his stomach, deep bass voice, bearded with thight biceps and triceps and a killer smile.
Mrs.B would prefer a romantic man whose sweet words intoxicate her like fresh wine, a man that would have hot, steamy sex with her and crown it with an orgasm that would leave her curling her toes and gasping for breath.
Now, we have looked at two of the three categories. The third category: mr.C and mrs.C, they'd both prefer a blend of both however it comes,for these category,they want a piece of all there is to get from different people.
This brings us to where we were headed, why do these people have different representation of the perfect man? Simple! They desire different things and so we can draw to a conclusion that there is no one man or woman that is ideal, one can not have it all. Like they say "one man's food is another's poison",the ideal man varies with every individual's desires and is a matter of choices.
I guess I'd be right to say, the ideal man or woman is a summation of choices and desires of a person suiting him or her alone, i believe no two people can have the same imagination. What is your idea of the ideal man or woman?
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