As for the answers
Another philosopher of the world is depicted as expression of expression in the language of expression. The world is the world and language depicted in my language. There is an answer in the language. Meanwhile, there is no such thing as an unanswered question finds someone who knows how a person's condolences speak at home, and desperation is a logical and religious language that is far from death. If religious knowledge is not religion, how does language respond to language without touching the mind after death? The face of death comes from the cold, knows the language with faith and knows with the knowledge of religion.
As for the answers, if language is not about conscience, if it is not religious information, how can it respond? The crap of the colonial western still knows how many centuries there are still intelligence, soul, mind, people and even humble people. world. I believe it is conscious to act with the logic of the world that will talk about the lack of faith. Let's answer without thinking of answering with language, mind and conscience.