Summer is incomplete without Sunflowers || Summer Photoshoot 2020

in GEMS4 years ago

Well, I feel summer is incomplete without colors, heatwaves, drinks, and sunflowers. Why? Well, Bangladesh is a monsoon weather country where summer is dominant and I am from that South Asian small country. I never liked summer when I was in Bangladesh, too much hot, sweaty humid climate where without airconditioner, hard to survive. But as it developing country so most of people living their life without an air conditioner.

On the other hand, Ukraine is a winter country where cold, snow exists and duration is 6 months. So, basically people enjoy summer here a lot because summer, spring, and fall are beautiful here. Because it's hard to go out during the cold winter season and you can't enjoy the weather at all. Not only you have to wear heavy jackets boots but also you can't inhale fresh breeze. This is winter of Ukraine, below -1 to -12... Gloomy dark winter where the sun doesn't like to stay at all...

On the other hand, Bangladeshi people enjoy winter because the duration of winter in Bangladesh is only 2 months, the temperature is the lowest 10... No snow nothing, only cool wind, little bit fog...No darkness...

Strange lifestyle, strange weather...


So I have decided to make every season of every year memorable, conceptual. So that when I will be old, I will go through my digital devices and will recall those memories... I have already done a selfie session of spring, with the red and green combination. This time I have used colors and sunflowers to identify summer. Basically I have used sunflowers as summer prompt...

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So, I am going to share my summer photographs of 2020. I have used my selfie stick and my mobile phone to capture these pictures.



I love the conceptual pictures because they define me as who I am. But unfortunately no smiley face... :D


I love how they turned out though it's really uncomfortable to take such kinds of images...


Few more conceptual pictures


I wanted to focus on small sunflowers that's why I came up with this idea...


Anyway, this is my summer 2020 photographs, a memorable year to be honest because of the pandemic issue. But I want to remember also the best moments of my life. I don't know what is waiting for me next but I just hope something good is waiting for me...




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"I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."


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Original post written by @priyanarc...
All pictures used are captured by the author...


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