Soo... Yeah, that just happened

in #socialpolitics6 years ago

Source: me


so something interesting happened today.

whats that you ask?

well… this might just surprise you.

I was declared a Nazi sympathiser but someone who I often regarded as vastly intelligent.
Now that’s not to say that the young man isn’t entitled to his own opinion, but let me give you some context as to how this went down…

Now if I told you this happened on Facebook would you be surprised?
I am not either…

So this all stemmed from a meme (or me-me.) ha!

source: Taff meme 2.0 (private group, I am unaware of the original posting of this. )

When I read this, the first thing that struck me was that this young woman was being forgiven for drink driving because she person she killed was a “Nazi.” ( on further investigation to find the event. It appears this this never actually happened only as the only source I can find is a Reddit page.
So why was this an issue?

For me, the act of drunk driving is one of the worst, most selfish things you can do. As you not only run the risk of hurting yourself, but you can destroy someone else’s life.
in 2018 where was a total of 1172 deaths caused by drink driving here in Australia.

That’s 1172 family’s that lost someone because of someone else’s negligence; if you where wondering how this relates to me being called a Nazi sympathiser, I am getting to that now.

This was a meme page that is governed by a group of friends who just like to share stupid images and tell jokes… 99% is amazing, and it’s a page that I will regularly contribute too… When I saw this, I couldn’t sit back (I rarely can, possibly my biggest flaw.)
I commented on this image saying something like, “that’s pretty fucked. To think your status as a human can be stripped for a belief system.” Which in its own right its pretty sad; with in a minute I received a reply stating
“Nar, whats fucked is thinking that you’re better than someone else because of the colour of your skin. Go apologise for Nazi’s elsewhere!”

This shocked me, not because someone assumed I was apologising for someone but because this is someone who I have enjoyed discourse with for a long time.
So this conversation continued for a good hour or so, just comment after comment; it became obvious that he was looking for any opportunity to throw that label around, and even more obvious that he wasn’t reading (or actually comprehending what I was stating.)
Saddened me.

The conversation ended with another member of the group telling us to stop as it’s a meme page, which I instantly reacted with the “Laughing” Emoji. The other young man in the matter decided that he wasn’t going to read or contribute to this discussion any further, having already made up his mind about me and my way of thinking. in stating “But also, I don’t think it’s worth my time to talk about this with someone who’s willing to play devil’s advocate for Nazi’s. So this is my last comment on this post.”

Which really summed up the scope of the echo chamber this young man lives in; the idea that its okay for you to place your opinion down, but will not receive one back is exactly why so many people think this game of identity politics is so toxic.

So having been granted the final word in the matter I wrote this. “True (it wouldn’t be worth you time.) However the devaluation of a human life regardless of nationality or belief system is inexcusable.
In this particular example we saw someone who would of otherwise been upset that a drunk driver had murdered someone, but was happy to excuse that behaviour because that person who died was a “Nazi.”
This is where I call it, I am not saying that the Nazi dying is a good thing, as it’s not; the loss of any life is horrid and disgusting. You however seem to instantly jump to the conclusion that I am a White Supremacy apologist, for which I can only assume is due to me being of Anglo Saxon decent. You can be as radical as you wish, it is your right to express yourself, but you need to remember hat others also have the right to express theirs.”

At the time I felt a little proud of myself for what I had written, however on reflection that isn’t necessarily true, and I didn’t really show an example of how I am not a white supremacy apologist; nor am I going to now, as the notion is disgusting and those who instantly jump to that conclusion should be ashamed of themselves.
Instead, what I will say is this.

There is never an excuse to think that one life is worth more then someone else’s, nor should we forgive someone’s actions due to who it effected. The issue with this is that a man/farther/brother and son is now dead (be it in fiction.) This person will no longer be able to experience joy, love and have his thinking challenged; those opportunity’s are now extinct, and this young lady (if she even existed, I can’t find evidence to prove she does, and I believe that the woman in the photo is an actor and this is a still from a student film or something like that.) should be punished, she should be charged with murder because her actions directly correlated to the death of another human being, because of her actions that family is now missing a big part of it self.

It’s really sad to be honest, that an event like this must be created to steer people away from divisive behaviours. Creating a fake “Hate” crime simply dilutes truth and eventually people will stop paying attention, we don’t need fake stories to fuel the need for change when we have so much happening in this world that is real to highlight.

okay, thank you for reading.

Hope you are doing well…


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