Interesting things to know about animals...

in #nature7 years ago

Here are some interesting things to know about some animals

The leader of a pack of wolves always follows at the back while the weakest and oldest walk in front to set the pace so as not to get left behind.

Elephants can remember their friends and their enemies for up to half a century. They have amazing memories.

Dolphins can recognize themselves in a mirror. They often herd fish towards fisherman's nets and then slap their tails on the water to let the fisherman know the fish have arrived.

Dogs understand human smiles and scowls. They can understand up to a thousand words.

A honey bee can fly up to 6 miles and reach a speed of 15 miles per hour. The average worker bee will make only a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its life.

Foxes are generally solitary animals but make good families. A male is called a dog and a female is called a vixen.

Kangaroos can use their tales to stand on to balance themselves in a fight. They can also turn their ears around without turning their heads.

Beavers store fat in their tales to use as a food source because they refuse to go outside in the winter. And because of this shut in, they are not exposed to light therefore developing a circadian clock of 29 hour days

A whale is pregnant for 10 to 12 months and when the baby emerges it is a third of its mothers length. Whales have nipples which they use to squirt high fat content milk into their babies mouth.

Crocodiles swallow rocks which permanently stay in their stomachs to help them have stability in their diving. A crocodile can lay up to 60 eggs and they hibernate during winter because they are cold blooded.

Tigers have their own unique set of stripes, the stripes are on their skin as well.

A hummingbirds wings can beat up to 80 times per second. They are the only bird known to fly backwards.

Because bamboo is high in fiber, Panda bears struggle to digest bamboo even though it's their main source of nutrition. This leads them to need to consume 35 - 40 pounds a day. This is the cause of their numbers dwindling, as there is not enough bamboo to sustain their high demand with all of the bamboo forests being cleared by man

Hope you enjoyed reading this. It's always fun to learn some new things.



Interesting article : ) Thank you for sharing. In addition, most animals have feelings and many people are interested in understanding how animals feel. It is also good for us to communicate (in some sense) with animals if we can know how they feel.

I didn't know Tigers stripes weren't just on the fur, that is interesting!

Very informative. Loved reading it.

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