Flat Earth= CIA disinformation campaign

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

They're popping up in conspiracy/political forums, every 9/11 youtube comment section, and just about everything else that the government has a vested interest in marginalizing or discrediting.
flat earth cat.jpg

They're Flat earthers, and they're spreading like the plague. Flat earth is like the 21 jump street of the conspiracy world. These people are the equivalent of undercover cops playa hating on the cool kids selling weed. Unfortunately, thanks to usury and unlimited ZOG bucks, we have hit levels of government sanctioned player hatred that shouldn't even be possible.


das why dey hatin'

Now, you're probably wondering where Flat Earth originated and why? Well, like all things dishonest and subversive it started with a Jew. His name is Cass Sunstein.Sunstein.jpg

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They go on to propose that, "the best response consists in cognitive infiltration of extremist groups",[35] where they suggest, among other tactics, "Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action."


MFW Jews use cognitive infiltration

Flat earth sprang up artificially – it was deliberately seeded into the "truther community" or whatever gay name they use to describe people who question the mainstream media narrative. If it was real organic grassroots dissent, then it wouldn't have felt like a disinformation-blitzkrieg targeting very niche conspiracy youtube videos – specifically: False flag terrorism, Holocaust revisionism, anti-zionist/"anti-semitic" videos and some basic bitch "illuminati" videos about Jay Z or whatever.211698437a24103d6b56622f4aafd83b9891d6bc.png

They're channeling their efforts into attacking the most dangerous and subversive elements that threaten their power structure.

Things they don't care about:

-New Age meditation 3rd eye yoga psychedelic drugs DUDE WEED LMAO
-Mandela effect
-Genetically engineered super soldiers that can teleport to the moon
-Black pope
-any New Age faggotry about lightworkers or whatever else mentally ill people talk about

Things that they don't like:

-The truth
-Traditional Christian morals
-False flags/Hoaxes
-Social engineering and the history of the Frankfurt School/Tavistock
-Israel did 9/11
-Jews behind Bolshevism
-Fractional Reserve lending and why we need to hang the bankers
-Elite pedophile rings
-Zionist groups and other sinister NGOs promoting immigration of 3rd world sex criminals

To most people, who aren't mentally unhinged, it's easy to discern truth from friction. You can tell the difference between UFO bullshit and dancing Israeli's. One of these things is bat-shit crazy and doesn't deserve the time of day –the other is damning, and deserves further scrutiny. Some people get overwhelmed, and may even let their guard down the further they go down the rabbit hole. Here is an example of that, and if this woman isn't a lying shill then I do feel bad.

Flat earth pseudo science isn't easy to debunk. A flat earther vs. Normal person argument goes something like this:

Flat Earther: "Hey bro, it's cool that you're WOKE like me and know the truth about (insert random conspiracy theory) but do you know the full truth?

Normal guy: "Nah, whats that?"

Flat Earther: "the Earth is flat"

Normal guy: "b-but that's impossible"

Flat Earther: "check out https://www.tfes.org/"

Normal guy: goes to google, sees thisScreen Shot 2017-07-16 at 3.02.03 AM.png

So now you literally have to do complex math problems and pull out a compass to debunk this nonsense! Wow, very convenient. I have to pick apart every single thing in their flat earth archives (which there is a lot of). They win by default, just because of the sheer amount of bullshit information they have. They can always resort to saying "you didn't even refute the evidence" spicintellectual.png
flat earth intellectual deep in thought

Unfortunately, through many concentrated astro-turfing campaigns, MSM collusion and unlimited monopoly money, the CIA was able to successfully attach Flat-Earth to Antisemitism. This is no accident.
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absolutely subversive

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questioning the 6 million is a big no-no, so we're going to muddy the waters and make these people look crazy

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This is why disinformation is so dangerous. They have now created an entire subculture based around this. First it was those faggots from the David Icke forums spamming nonsense about the Queen turning into a gecko. Years later it mutated into critical mass of shilling when they opened the gates of hell and relinquished the Flat Earth PSYOP on the internet. They can now inject their disinformation serum into anything they deem a threat. Anything mildly subversive that might gain traction online is now neutralized before it can ever grow into actual opposition.

Wanna discuss 9/11? Oh, let me throw a dash of flat earth into the discourse to cause infighting and derail the discussion

Wanna talk about how the government used crisis actors to stage a terror attack? Well fuck you, this discussion is going a little to well for my liking, I'm going to accuse you of being a GLOBE EARTH SHILL! My buddies on CIA payroll will come back me up to astro-turf the ILLUSION of a flat earth consensus causing you COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

It's the government playing wack-a-mole with you're brain, at the expense of you're mental health. It's poisoning the well of otherwise good information that actually holds merit, and corrupting it to the point where it can be discounted as fiction by the conditioned masses, because, well, the lugenpresse said so.


Jews poisoning the well. The original cause of the Bubonic plague.

In conclusion, Flat Earth is a hoax. Eric Dubay, the purveyor of this trash, also believes that dinosaurs are fake.
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These people are attaching themselves to Nazism, they are doing this for a reason. Remember, these people are using the same blueprint that they used with David Icke. They are going to try and make anti-zionism/antisemitism synonymous with FLAT FUCKING EARTH just like David Icke made elite pedophile conspiracy theories synonymous with REPTILIANS. The truth becomes null and void once they attach it to the "lunatic fringe".

Was David Icke right about the pedophile rings in Britain? Yes, but did anything happen? No, because anyone who even entertained the idea got ridiculed.


Reptilian bullshit is on par with flat earth


Brilliant post!

468 views and 10 votes... WOW!

It's a rant!
Is this the cogent globe earth, heliocentric rebuttal? lol.

....I can see for miles and miles...where's the curvature?

If the earth is flat what is casting the round curved shadow on the moon?

Whatever it is they have an answer. They have an answer for everything.

@psyopsx1000 - and so do you, apparently...

what a hypocrite, right?

Well the answer is simple. The shadow on the moon is not always curved as you describe. There is also half moons with straight lines. The shadow is not cast from the Earth at all, its cast from the light not reaching the other side of the object. Does this make sense or do you need a visual example?

And you have no answers just a need to argue. How about an honest discussion on every point instead of hostility? racist morons and religious dupes do not speak for me and I can't say if the earth is flat or not no one can. But the nasa lies and the obvious fact that the sun and moon are closer than what we are told should be enough to want real answers. Because you felt like you won an argument with someone that can't argue does not validate your position no one person speaks for everyone who believe the earth is flat. I believe its most likely flat until we have proof and all they have to do is show us a real picture we haven't gotten one yet you don't find that to be the smoking gun? cause I do it very simple show us the ball or as neil tyson says now the pear even though ever photo released by NASA is perfectly round and the continents and colors do not match one from another. How much proof do you need? what would be proof for you? All your responses to real arguments is a smart ass remark whos being immature here?

Does it matter that much if there is no explanation?
How does gravity, magnetism or electricity function?
I can see for miles and miles...where's the curvature?

Do you really think in your heart that the CIA is behind the flat earth info? I think you are afraid to think for yourself and possibly be wrong. I believe the earth is flat by using my 5 senses. Not theories that make no sense. And if it is one day proven once and for all the earth is not flat then I will admit I was wrong. Until that date which will never come I'm going to go ahead and not listen to people who have never looked into all the proofs of a flat earth. I 'm not going to list them here theres literally hundred of proofs m=uch more convincing than any test in history to prove we are moving or to prove we are on a ball. But I will say one test that can not be disproven and that is the level. Please explain to me how a level works on your ball model? You can't because its a ridiculous notion Gravity the theory of gravity is magic ok it is bullshit. Gravity is so strong and powerful a force and it solves all mathematical equations except balloons it can't stop balloons. YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE GRAVITY DOESNT FUCKING EXIST YOU ARE SO MIND CONTROLLED ITS PATHETIC THINGS FALL IN RELATION TO DENSITY OF AIR NOT FROM A MAGICAL FORCE CALLED GRAVITY DO YOU ALSO BELIEVE IN AN INVISIBLE MAN IN THE SKY THAT WATCHES YOUR EVERY MOVE? WHO HERE IS THE CRAZY PERSON WHO HERE IS MIND CONTROLLED? WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO CONVINCE? ONCE ANYONE LOOKS INTO FLAT EARTH YOU CAN'T GET THE TRUTH OUT OF YOUR HEAD BROTHER AND ALL YOU GOT IS NASA SAID NASA SAID NASA PHOTOS AND NASA VIDEO AND THIS SPACE TELESCOPE AND THAT SPACE TELESCOPE ALL CONTROLLED BY FREEMASONS DO YOU NOT SEE HOW CRAZY THAT IS???EVERY HOAX IN HISTORY TRACES BACK TO FREEMASONS YOU DON'T SEE THAT AS A CLUE? WELL I DO AND THE NUMBERS ARE GROWING BY THE DAY. THE EARTH IS FLAT SPACE ISNT REAL. dO YOURSELF A FAVOR WATCH FOOTAGE FROM APOLLO 16 AND 17 AND LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND THE BACKGROUND THAT PHOTO EXPERTS USING PHOTOSHOP AND CHANGING THE LIGHTING HAVE SHOWN A FAKE BACKDROP AND LIGHTS. bUT EVEN IF YOU DON'T SEE THOSE VIDEOS JUST NASAS OWN FOOTAGE IS RIDICULOUS. PLEASE WAKE UP FROM YOUR MIND CONTROL. ITS NOT ABOUT ME BEING RIGHT OR YOU BEING RIGHT ITS ABOUT ALL OF US BEING TRICKED BY THE GOVERNMENT REMEMBER TYHE GOVERNMENT THE ONE THAT LIES TO YOU DAILY ON EVERYTHING? BUT THIS ONE THING IN THEIR SHITTY TERRIBLE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM THIS ONE THING PROMOTED BY DISNEY AND HOLLYWOOD THAT IS SPACE OH THATS ALL TRUE OH THEY WOULD NT LIE ABOUT THAT WOULD THEY? WOULD THEY?

Just because NASA lies (and as a part of the CIA you would expect that) does not mean the world you live on is flat. There is no working FE model. You are being manipulated and controlled because you are viewed as a threat. You are a free thinking individual and willing to express your opinion- that scares the hell out of them. You're being used on a grand scale and have no clue. Good luck to you my friend.

I beg to differ.
The working model is flatness!
Thereafter we don't make stuff up as we go along like astronomy does....and all those 666 numbers they have... lol.

Try doing some research ITS FLAT

A disinformation post (this one!) to debunk "disinformation" ... well!

"Flat earth pseudo science isn't easy to debunk."

You know why?

Because am awful lot of things Flat Earth are observable, measurable, repeatable such as (lack of) curvature, water always being level etc. - which is an awful lot more evidence than the globe model delivers - here you have to BELIEVE in the correctness of what authorities tell you, while at the same time you can PROVE that they lie to you - their number one proof - images from space is a LIE straight in your face - easily to be proven by those who are interested to know.

And that is the case with all of the relevant globe earth evidence - there simply isn't any, and it's the same with all other globe earth proofs - they all don't hold up to real, natural scientific scrutiny.

Also why can't we have a civil conversation about this instead we get people putting shit like this out straight up propaganda instead of a balanced discussion. Please check my supermoon video I love it when globe believers write a bunch of stuff some "authority" told them but they have no video to back their claims.

The Reptilian Theory is obviously a psy op but I am not sure about Flat Earth.
I am not a Flat Earther but it is interesting to see the arguments of both sides.

Flat Earth might be bullshit but their arguments are entertaining to listen to.

watch this video or keep your mind closed

What exactly is bullshit? On the highest mountain in the world its flat in all directions. Recent high altitude balloon footage confirms the earth is flat it's not even a debate anymore. But the mind control is real. People are still arguing the government's position. lol. Woke truthers arguing for NASA and the government. Every last mission by NASA has been faked and the challenger astronauts are alive its been proven google it the mars rover is on devon island in canada its been proven google it. If that doesnt convince you maybe the nasa photos of a mans shadow on mars will convince you its all lies. or maybe you can't think for yourself you need an authority to tell you whats real or not.

All you have to do is get out on a day with good viewing conditions and take a look around. There is no horizon dropping as should be on a spherical object (for comparison check Google Earth). And what's more, the higher you get, the further you can see. Again, still no horizon dropping.

If you think this is insignificant - do the math. Take the official curvature formula (NASA, Wikipedia or online curvature calculators, for your convenience) and calculate how far you should be able to see, then compare with your experience.

Try to curve liquid water ... you will fail.

Try to prove gravity (after you have learned WHAT gravity is) and you will fail.


But my mommy said the earth is a ball...where's my baba?

Flat earth society is a government psy-op, this post is a huge lie and misinformation. Thats why I flag it!

It is or it isnt?

thanks for sharing this video ,i found it extremely funny ,the flat earth theory started with a jew.its the same with the mandela affect it is pathetic.it looks like they are coming up with these ideas to give the truthers something new to think about and look at.there is only one thing we need to look at and that is exposing the elite for the psychopaths that they are that means politicians and the celebrities that we invite into our home everyday.forget anything else be it true or untrue keep focused on exposing them online and offline.

sooooo many psyops its impossible to keep on top of it all

No, wrong. There is a flat earth mis-information campaign to distract simple minds. The earth is provably a flat plain, within a holographic dimension. The main difference is it's controlled by God, and all that simulation theory bullshit presented by the mainstream media is the deception.

There is no space. NASA is fake. We live in a closed environment, because the nature of this world is a game of duality, good vs evil. You are both good, and evil, and your soul is 100% on the line. Satan is the god of this world, and he is trying desperately to keep you from God with all this bullshit about space. Look into these words, you will find with enough research, the truth will set you free. It's damn close to trapping you very very soon.

Transhumanism is the abomination of desolation, the final seperation from heaven and a guarantee of eternity in hell. The good news is, Revelation's tribulation starts in the next 2 months.

I don't trust NASA either but you guys are giving us bad optics and you're subversive as fuck and need to gtfo

I like toast 🍞

satanists= zionist jews=evil that's the way i see it .

3 months later...... awkward

And yet there is no curvature, and no curvature equals no globe - fact.

I can't believe people still believe NASA with so much of their own videos used against them all you got to do is look at all the apollo footage especially the live tv ones then look at the skylab then watch all the iss videos with the hairsprayed hair and the easily faked bubbles and the obvious harnesses. you also might want to watch the recnt high altitude balloons which show the sun in the clouds not 93 million miles away.

Notice not one proof or debunking of anything the FE people are postulating. Just shit talking with no balls. Care to explain why Polaris remains stationary? Why doesn't GPS work everywhere? What is your take on the Antartic treaty which remains honored by countries that do not honor any other treaty?

My post gained traction on 4chan so you literally just made a steemit account to come here and shill. Nice try.

Edit: It's a pre-made sock-puppet account strictly created for this purpose

How about answering the question? How do you explain polaris not moving?? EVER? Anyone with enough humility to determine they know nothing at all can find truth. Your ego is keeping you from it. If you start from zero, you will determine the lies are great and many.

I'm not going on your gay ass forum or even playing mental gymnastics with you faggots. Eric Dubay is a SHILL and you guys are just astroturfing the age old CIA tactic of DBA "discredit by association"

So much ignorance ... all it takes is a look out of the window.

The earth is not going to turn into a sphere just because you wrote an article trying to debunk Flat Earth. LOL