Be fit Or be Dead #33

Two days of rest after the weekend concerts allowed me to regain my strength.
A week has passed since the last training, so I decided to make a big effort to - at least partially - catch up.
It's best to do this by riding a bike uphill, so I came up with the route to the Karkoszczonka pass.
There is a mountain shelter where I planned to sit and relax.

I know this path from hiking, and I remember it was really steep.
Riding up the bike halfway, I was convinced that I had to get off and walk the rest of the way pushing the bike, because the effort was unimaginable.
I drove without looking at the pain, however, until the workers blocked my way. It turned out that I can't ride up hill. The road is under renovation and it is closed.

So I had to turn back.
On the way back I stopped for a moment at the new ski resort, opened a year ago.

One climb up failed, so I decided to ride to the cross-bicycle track, which I have not yet been on, and there are also quite a lot uphill.
On the way, I drove past an abandoned holiday resort. I have to go here some day and visit this abandoned building.

A few kilometers further I came to a cross bicycle track.
I drove so fast to uphill that my pulse reached a record value of 182 beats per minute.
At the top I could relax for a while, admiring the beautiful views.

To sum up - I managed to climb two big uphill rides.

My heart had a lot of work.

In over an hour I traveled almost 20 kilometers and burned over 900 calories.

And this is the map of yesterday's bike ride.

In real terms, this is probably the first and last training this week, because I have a lot of other responsibilities, and on the weekend I play two concerts again.
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Wlasnie jak tam koncercik?
Nie gramy zbyt często w północnych rejonach Polski, więc dobrze było zobaczyć znajome twarze, z którymi nie widziałem się od dawna.
Na koncercie ekipa bawiła się wyśmienicie, a najbardziej cieszy fakt, że (cytując rodziców) rośnie młode pokolenie wychowane na muzyce Fortecy :)
I to było widać - było sporo rodzin z dziećmi bawiącymi się pod sceną.
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