The Daily Qurator #840

in Qurator4 years ago (edited)



Welcome to the 840th Daily Edition of the Daily Qurator. Below you will find some awesome members of @qurator that worked hard to post some good quality content for all you awesome Steemians to enjoy!

Your Quality Curator ~( @ewkaw )~ Presents:


insects macro #021020

Did you ever try to look a fly deep in the eye? Or count hair on spiders leg?
Well here you can! @Digitalis makes sure it is all possible.


Poulet au curry

Une recette de poulet au curry très rapide, prête en moins d'un quart d'heure et sans produits transformés. Si comme moi vous ne voulez plus de produits industriels, cette recette devrait vous plaire.

It is still time to make a quick dinner (at least in this part of the world). How about some chicken curry? Here is a simple and very delicious looking recipe... in case you need some inspiration.


A touch of winter [Photo of the Day #590]

A touch of winter in my latest blog post from Austria.

Winter is in full swing! Don't forget to get out and take some amazing shots, like this one!


Abstract Thoughts Float Through The Mind (Original Art)

I started with a random composition of this abstract elements arising from the mind, then worked out to achieve a desired result, going trough the elements with some simple rules applied on the graphic level, the final result isn't the desired but is derived from the same premises, this way i managed to obtain :Floating Abstract Thoughts

Don't we all feel like that too... mind racing in some crazy speed, then it just get lost...
I sure do!


Chia with bananas and cottage cheese\Chia mit Bananen und Hüttenkäse

Today we will cook a wholesome and unusual healthy breakfast.
The basis of the recipe is chia seeds.
“Chia” translates as “buttery.” Chia seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and other goodies.
Chia seeds - new fashionable superfood.

Oh yes please! After the holiday craziness I could use some of that. Not only delicious (I bet), but also very healthy and good for body. Must definitely refill my chia jar.

@qurator does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in the Daily Qurator. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.


Qurator News:

Qurator Hive

Although I am not the biggest fan of beta but I guess the sooner we hop on board the better. For now there are not many perks that come with using our hive but there sure will be once more testing is done and we finally move out of the beta phase. For now, those who would like to join or post from our hive can use the Qurator hive tag hive-102880 or head over to our hive site and post from there. More news to follow. =)

Q token stats

Q tokens Circulating40 000
Q Tokens owned by steemians22210.49(+110.74)
Tokens to be paid out to Delegators9184.38(-66.19)
Tokens for sale in Steem-Engine market5195(-47.55)
Daily Steem payout per token0.00179(-0.00001)

Q Token Details

Round three of the Qurator token launched with more details here

Free Registration and how to join details can be found here: Registration Details


image sourcing.jpgRequired Image Sourcing for the Qurator Project.
Check how to do it properly.
es.jpgProcedimiento Estándar Para El Enlace Correcto De Imágenes Del Projecto Qurator
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2r8F9rTBenJQfQgENfxADE6EVYabczqmSF5KeWefV5WL9W95HhWRcTukCdcFi7v8NgKCRZBbuFdGNT2qGzKdUrapi1KfHy6L6bTebpdYQchCy5ntqAJW3NFeHFuqyW3mY.pngQurator 4.0 - Multiplier System! There has been quite a few changes. Go and check it out.


We host weekly Photo and Food competitions. Click on the images below to view the posts.

Additionally for all members we have Toss up Thursday, a weekly free for all post-promotional competition.

Tasty Tuesday
Toss up Thursday
Photo Friday
Tasty Tuesday.png99pyU5Ga1kwqSXWA2evTexn6YzPHotJF8R85JZsErvtTWXyV9Fkimbr8hosPRu9YbVeygV4RdT8V2MDWsqYtUkCxfyquVcXwgASSjS9YGzDTZmTWcJkTj2D6LESpftrx4e.jpg Photo Friday.png

Delegation links for @qurator


After you click the link you will have to check the value, click next and then enter your Steemit NAME and Private Active Key to delegate.
Please remember to leave at least 50SP in your account and that new delegations overwrites the old one. Always use the total amount you want to delegate.

Qurator's Discord Channel

There is more perks and fun stuff on our server:

  • Feel free to ask Qurator Team questions
  • Meet other members
  • Promote your post in our Postpromotion room
  • Win some Q tokens with random competitions!

Join us!

Qurator banners

If you would like to show some more support and use Qurator banners then please head over to this post and copy the banner links from there. =)


Upvoting or Resteeming this post will help us grow and in turn enable us to give better upvotes to our members and quality content creators.

The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @boontjie | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @blacklux

Cover graphics by - @aaronleang

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Steemit witness.

Active Witness rank: 67

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.12
JST 0.031
BTC 67882.04
ETH 3779.74
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.52