St.Petersburg lockdown chronicles. April, 6 (+30 foto)
I had a 4 hours walk across the local area. Needed to visit my bank to solve some card issues, and then visited local mall to fill the food supplies. I borrowed telephoto lens with me (Canon 70-300mm), and took some pics. Mostly I was focusing on folk's faces and also on the characteristic details of the time. (You may count that as 'tried to photo every mask I saw on my way" , but of course that would be an exaggeration).
these guys from the municipal cleaning service can be said to be real champions: they noticed I was shooting them across the street, from a distance of over 35 meters. And of course, instead of sending me smiles, they sweared at me (I will not repeat exactly their words). The main point was: whyyy you watch us [sitting on the ass and doing nothing], dont fuck around, go to work, instead of taking pictures.
The world can go to hell but some things aren't changing at all!
Portraits are good when you have an eye contact. No eyes can be seen - 3rd class, nothing too intresting most of the time.
But its all pretty changeable, as depends on a lot of moments involved.
Our Victory Day Park is closed. The latest municipal authorities standing order is: all parks, childrens playgrounds and sports locations are being lock-down and restricted to visit. Even the playground in my own yard is "lockdowned and restricted to visit" for me or my children. Rediculous.
The whole Victory Day Park is being lock down, all the doors (more than 20) are being closed and provided with scary "Attention! Restricted! Prohibited!" papers. I have to dedicate a separate post to it. SO, just a few pics here.
After walking along the park (without entering it) I headed to the local Auchan mall, to buy some food supplies. Here I did a few more shots. The parking lot about it is 99% empty - a sight can be seen early on Monday morning... Most of the shops inside the mall are closed, just a very few are open -- including the Auchan itself.
As its a public space taking of pics is not prohibited... but of course, I was negotiated with security who especially enjoyed my 'pro-looking camera' and 300mm tele, and kindly asked to remove myself and come back with the camera after getting 'a special permission' from Auchan marketing and Lawyers departments. Things never change. So, I holstered the camera and removed myself.
I did a few shots in there -- mostly, just the empty half-darkened spaces.
The merchandizers prepare special counters with goods for the Easter coming. This time, the light celebration of the Easter will not be so light. Quite on the contrary: people's gatherings are strictly prohibited. What Easter can we talk about, if the gatherings are not allowed?.. We can not even visit the church..
this seemed to me a landmark detail, a characteristic feature. this announcement says: take carts here, these are disinfected; do not take those carts, these arent yet ....
probably, that is all. I tried to be as brief as possible.
all images taken by me, with Canon 5D + Canon 70-300mm tele
location: St.Petersburg, Russia.
tags: photography photofeed qurator streetphoto ru quarantinelife covid
I think in Rostov we will have the same thing very soon. I don't know if our weather will help in the situation or not, but I see all the regions affected in the future. Надеюсь что у вас всё хорошо и у вашей семьи ! Беду такую никто не ждал !
ну если не считать что я безработный и х.3. когда теперь работу можно найти будет норм... то в остальном все ок. только кушать хочется :=)
последние достижения правительства города на поприще помощи жителям:
Да есть люди которые очень нуждаются в помощи и ни хера им не помогают !
У меня мама живёт в Новочеркасске и это 30 км от нас и я не могу к ней поехать чтоб помочь, работать она не работает из за того что хозяин закрыл киоск на время и она считается малоимущей но никакой помощи она не получала и даже кредитные каникулы ей не дали. Если всё это продолжиться и продлят каникулы ещё на месяц то не знаю как ей жить. Я помогаю как могу ! Но государство должно хоть как то помогать таким людям. Наверно уже есть такие в маленьких городах кому нечего даже есть !
Советую посмотреть этот видео :
Вот такие вот дела !
Спасибо за пост в #ru
Good :)
Ничего себе ты гуляешь... Я только в магазин хожу, и не фотографирую по дороге - это же фотоаппарат или смартфон потом спиртом протирать надо. Впрочем, визуально почти ничего не изменилось, разве что детские площадки обтянуты полосатыми лентами.
ого, у вас полно народу на улице! )
у нас бы уже половину из этих фоток оштрафовали за несоблюдение дистанции и необоснованный выход из дома)))
хы, хы. у нас еще всё впереди. и потом -- это не центр. в ентре нереально пусто. я даже боюсь туда выйти - и боюсь не вируса, как вы понимаете. у меня даже 500р на штраф нету :/
у нас сегодня ровно 4 недели изоляции по домам. У меня тоже ашан рядом, там работают только отделы с продуктами, все остальные перетянуты лентой и вход туда запрещен и товары не продаются. Ни футболки ни сковородки не купить. Хорошо неделю назад открыли отдел с школьно-письменными товарами и лампочки-батарейки. А то если лампа дома перегорела - сиди в темноте или по инету заказывать. А доставка - когда получится. Может быть в июне))))
бляяяя.. пардон май френч.
Great photos here my friend and lucky that you were not arrested.
I have had a few close encounters here with security, but once I show them the photos on my camera they relax.
Thinking now about getting myself a photographer's ID card like the journalists have!
Blessings and take care!
oh. can be. depends on their (policeman) intentions.. how would it resulted for you, if there were society / streetphotos / covid reportage photos, instead of a nature ones ?
things are bad here, police corrupted as much as all the authority structures and government. I suspect that showing a journalist ID could even make things worse for me here. idunno, tho. still have time to try and venture in the experiment.. but I should avoid much risk - i have a family :/ so its after all not the virus I am scared most, but other people.
I am glad you enjoyed the pics. I put something in them. sadly I dont hear much response, but thats probably cause all the folks are into this stuff for too long... and bored to chew this shit, no? can it be so?..
I very rarely take photos of people in public my friend.
Of course I take photos of the children and the old people that our charity helps, but this is only to try to get some support for our work.
The police are also corrupted here and one has to be very careful.
Best would be for you to take no risks.
I see that lately the post values have dropped and not many people are engaging, but I hope that things will return to normal again some time.
Blessings and take care!
photos of children is the best thing to take!
(well, maybe after nature's creations)
tis process (and the result) always make me so happy.
I still have to publish the tonn of photos I took in october, at the 'Inks of Childhood' art festival...
frankly speaking, I am not convinced of that. the most active part of users have headed to the Hive, there will be all the blossom.
check the latest post from @dronegraphica, it has some figures
all the best > > >
Well, one never knows what the future holds.
Oh! And we are not allowed to post the faces of children anymore.
Scammers steal their faces to make false crowdfunding appeals.
Take care my friend!
?!?!?! "to make false crowdfunding appeals." ?.. meeeh.....
hmmm... I am frustrated... any kind of pictures is prohibited, or a certain kinds?.. I am confused to hear this. do you talk about your local orders, or this is applyed to all the Steemit / Hive population?..