in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Minature Red Rose


The rose above is the last of the season. I have many other photos of roses I took this summer, but this is the last of what grew. This is one of my miniature roses, and a very good one to finish the season.

La rosa de arriba es la última de la temporada. Tengo muchas otras fotos de rosas que tomé este verano, pero esta es la última de lo que creció. Esta es una de mis rosas en miniatura, y una muy buena para terminar la temporada.

I want to spend a little time discussing "muting" users on my blog. I have been doing this for awhile now. Usually they are spamming my post, "farming" for an "upvote", have been blacklisted by Steemcleaners, or I have had them trying to scam me. Yes I have been scammed a number of times, mostly in my first year on steemit.

Quiero pasar un poco de tiempo discutiendo sobre el "silenciamiento" de los usuarios en mi blog. He estado haciendo esto por un tiempo. Por lo general, están enviando spam a mi puesto, "farming" para un "upvote", han sido puestos en la lista negra por Steemcleaners, o los he tenido tratando de estafarme. Sí, he sido estafado varias veces, la mayoría en mi primer año en Steemit.

Once someone is muted I no longer see their comments and therefore there is no reply or "upvote" from me. You may see their comment, but not anyone who has muted the same person.
Una vez que alguien está "muted" ya no veo sus comentarios y por lo tanto no hay respuesta o "upvote" de mi parte. Usted puede ver a comentario, pero no cualquiera que haya "muted" a la misma persona.

It takes a lot of time to investigate a user, and follow money trails, to determine if they deserve being muted. Recently I was informed that a follower was part of a farming group that I had dealt before. I just could not believe it was true because of all the interactions. I did my own research and was able to follow the money flow back to the old farming group. I am also seeing a large increase in new users who created their accounts shortly after I muted a large number of people, and they are from the same country. They either have not "posted" anything since account creation, or basically they have same resteems and posts. So I "mute" more people. It sometimes can be difficult to tell until after a couple of months if they deserve to be "muted". I may in fact mute someone who is not deserving of the action. Since I started muting users I have had only 2 contact me about it and in one instance it was a mistake and I corrected the issue.

Se necesita mucho tiempo para investigar a un usuario, y seguir las pistas de dinero, para determinar si merecen ser "muted". Hace poco me informaron que un seguidor formaba parte de un grupo de agricultores que yo había tratado antes. Simplemente no podía creer que fuera verdad debido a todas las interacciones. Hice mi propia investigación y pude seguir el flujo de dinero de vuelta al viejo grupo de agricultores. También estoy viendo un gran aumento de nuevos usuarios que crearon sus cuentas poco después de que muted a un gran número de personas, y son del mismo país. O bien no han "posted" nada desde la creación de la cuenta, o bien tienen básicamente los mismos "resteems" y "posts". Así que mudo a más gente. A veces puede ser difícil saber hasta después de un par de meses si merecen ser "muted". De hecho, puedo "silenciar" a alguien que no merece la acción. Desde que empecé a "muted" a los usuarios sólo he tenido 2 contactos y en un caso fue un error y he corregido el problema.

I know some of us complain about the hard-forks and how they impact newer people, or those with low Steem Power. We do not like it when those with "Voting Power" do not up-vote our posts. In part, I believe the reasons behind this is to find some of the abuses, such as vote farming, spam in comments, and posting with little content.

Sé que algunos de nosotros nos quejamos de los "hard-forks" y de cómo impactan a las personas más nuevas, o a las que tienen un "Steem Power" bajo. No nos gusta cuando los que tienen "poder de voto" no "up-vote" nuestros "posts". En parte, creo que las razones detrás de esto es encontrar algunos de los abusos, tales como la "vote-farming", el "spam" en los comentarios, y la "publicación" con poco contenido.

I am sharing this information because I have had a lot of problems with these issues. Here is a link to a post by Steemcleaners that will provide more information:
Estoy compartiendo esta información porque he tenido muchos problemas con estos temas. Aquí hay un enlace a un artículo de Steemcleaners que proporcionará más información:

You may find me leaving replies to some comments about other problematic issues. Some of these issues are users doing short comments but when you look at their blog there may be no "posts", including no introductory "post". Sometimes I find all "resteems" and some are the same from more than one user. The replies I leave will point out issues and concerns I have.

Puede que me encuentres dejando respuestas a algunos comentarios sobre otras cuestiones problemáticas. Algunos de estos temas son usuarios que hacen comentarios cortos, pero cuando usted mira su blog puede que no haya "posts", incluyendo ningún "post" introductorio. A veces encuentro todos los "resteems" y algunos son los mismos de más de un usuario. Las respuestas que dejo señalarán las cuestiones y preocupaciones que tengo.

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Whereas it is important to be aware and discuss some of these issue, I would rather share some of my photographs with you. So here goes .... My next photograph is of one I took in July, and I am sure I had other photos of this type of flower. I do not recall the name of it, but love its beauty.
Si bien es importante estar al tanto y discutir algunos de estos temas, preferiría compartir algunas de mis fotografías con ustedes. Así que aquí va..... Mi siguiente fotografía es de una que tomé en julio, y estoy seguro de que tenía otras fotos de este tipo de flores. No recuerdo su nombre, pero amo su belleza.


This next flower is a macro view of what some call a weed. It is called St. John's Wort. It is used in some herbal remedies, and some say it helps with depression. I have used it in medicinal salves I have made. I just love the looks of the flower and the macro view is really nice.

Esta siguiente flor es una vista macro de lo que algunos llaman una mala hierba. Se llama Hierba de San Juan. Se usa en algunos remedios herbales y algunos dicen que ayuda con la depresión. Lo he usado en bálsamos medicinales que he hecho. Me encanta el aspecto de la flor y la vista macro es muy bonita.


Next up is a recent photograph of my favorite deer and her twins. I used my 500 mm lens for this photo. I am still learning how to use this lens. The fawns are in the front and mother is in the back off to the side. The fawns are already losing their spots and growing fast. They are all very healthy this year.

La siguiente es una fotografía reciente de mi ciervo favorito y sus gemelos. Usé mi lente de 500 mm para esta foto. Todavía estoy aprendiendo a usar este lente. Los cervatillos están en la parte delantera y la madre está en la parte de atrás a un lado. Los cervatillos ya están perdiendo sus manchas y creciendo rápidamente. Todos están muy sanos este año.


I have mentioned in previous "posts" that I had lots of sunflower photographs. Here is a bright yellow one that really lightens the mood.
He mencionado en "posts" anteriores que tenía muchas fotografías de girasoles. Aquí hay una de color amarillo brillante que realmente aclara el ambiente.


My last photograph is a closeup of the aster I shared last weekend.

Mi última fotografía es un primer plano del aster que compartí el fin de semana pasado.


This brings us to the end of another series of photographs. I trust each of you found at least one of the photographs that pleases you. Now we will enter into the informational section of my post.
Esto nos lleva al final de otra serie de fotografías. Confío en que cada uno de ustedes encontró al menos una de las fotografías que les gustan. Ahora vamos a entrar en la sección de información de mi "post".

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Changes Coming to R2cornell's Discord Community

We are working on some changes to R2cornell Discord Community. I have not been as active as I should be due to my hectic schedule. We have already added two Spanish channels. One for "post" promotion and one for general chat.

Estamos trabajando en algunos cambios en la comunidad de R2cornell Discord. No he estado tan activo como debería debido a mi agitada agenda. Ya hemos añadido dos canales en español. Uno para la promoción "post" y otro para el chat general.

I have created a new username/account, @dsc-r2cornell. The plan is to use this for curating posts. I have funded the steemit account and some of the Tribe platform accounts. The plan is to delegate funds to @dsc-r2cornell accounts for the purpose of curating. Many of the logistics have yet to be worked out or put in place. I cannot get to all posts left in the post promotion channel, so I am hoping with help, we can begin curating using the new account. I am hoping this works especially seeing you should not be using bid-bots unless you want to be down-voted, flagged or both. More information on these changes will be in future posts.
He creado un nuevo nombre de usuario/cuenta, @dsc-r2cornell. El plan es usar esto para "curate posts". He financiado la cuenta steemit y algunas de las cuentas de la plataforma Tribe. El plan es delegar fondos a las cuentas @dsc-r2cornell con el fin de "curate". Muchos de los aspectos logísticos aún no se han elaborado ni puesto en marcha. No puedo llegar a todos los "posts" que quedan en el canal de post promoción, así que espero que con ayuda, podamos empezar a "curar" usando la nueva cuenta. Espero que esto funcione especialmente, ya que no deberías usar bid-bots a no ser que quieras ser "down-voted", flagged o ambos. Más información sobre estos cambios en futuros "posts".

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We are now coming to the end of this weekend's post. I want to remind everyone that users are being "down-voted", flagged, or both for using bots for voting on their posts. Sometimes you are not even told the reason. Then there are others who for no apparent reason "down-vote" "posts". Just remember what can happen if you use them.
Also, we all need to be mindful of which Tribe's "tags" we use. I have had some users inform me that they have been "down-voted" and some blacklisted from using their tag wrong. Make sure you know what is acceptable for each Tribal tag you use. neoxian and palnet are general use tags. For the spanish tag your post must be at least 50% in Spanish.
Estamos llegando al final del post de este fin de semana. Quiero recordar a todos que los usuarios están siendo "down-voted", flagged, o ambos por usar bots para votar en sus posts. A veces ni siquiera te dicen la razón. Luego hay otros que, sin razón aparente, "down-vote" "posts". Sólo recuerda lo que puede pasar si los usas.
Además, todos necesitamos estar atentos a las "etiquetas" de la Tribu que usamos. Algunos usuarios me han informado de que han sido "down-voted" y algunos han sido incluidos en una lista negra por usar su etiqueta. Asegúrese de saber qué es aceptable para cada etiqueta Tribal que utilice. neoxian y palnet son etiquetas de uso general. Para la etiqueta en español tu mensaje debe estar al menos al 50% en español.

Another issue you need to be aware of is be careful on voting on your own "posts" or comments. This can also bring on "down-votes" and flagging.

I think this is a good place to end this post. Here is a bonus photograph that I originally shared with @kathe-art...She started the 4th grade recently. Hope you enjoy:

Otra cuestión que debe tener en cuenta es tener cuidado al votar sobre sus propios "posts" o comentarios. Esto también puede provocar "votos a la baja" y flagging.

Creo que este es un buen lugar para terminar este puesto. Aquí hay una fotografía extra que originalmente compartí con @kathe-art....Ella comenzó el 4to grado recientemente. Espero que lo disfruten:


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Están muy hermosas todas las fotografías. Los colores son vivos e intensos.
Con respecto a los votos, creo que es una responsabilidad saber utilizarlos, tanto los positivos como los negativos. No me gusta hacer votos negativos, me parecen que le resta mucho al usuario que lo recibe y solo se deben dar en situaciones muy específicas.

Muchas gracias por compartir tus ideas y lo que estas haciendo.

Un abrazo :D

Muchísimas gracias.

No me gusta el "reibir voto negatico" ni el "flagging" y raramente lo hago.

Greatings sir @r2cornell. Really amazing photography. Rose is the symbol of love. And i always enjoy your photographic magic. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you.

I see you do not post??

Sorry sir. I'm quite busy with my study and my mom is also sick from a month. I will try to make post. Thanks for checking me and inspiring to active.

Posted using Partiko Android

Try and do a short post weekly just to keep things going and looking food in your account.

En la creación, Dios no ha hecho algo que no encierra belleza o importancia; todas tienen un motivo de estar en existencia.Las flores le dan un magnífico colorido, esplendor y frescura a todo ambiente.Contemplar esos espacios naturales nos conectan con una energía que contribuye a la higiene mental, porque fuimos creados para vivir en un entorno de esta categoría, el ciervo se ve imponente. Gracias corniel por tan hermosas fotos, el ciervo se ve imponente.

Muchísimas gracias. Me alegro de que hayas disfrutado de las fotos.

Estoy de acuerdo con usted en la importancia de poder disfrutar de las flores y otras fotos de la naturaleza para mejorar la salud mental.

Greetings, @r2cornell. You've done a great job explaining the issues of muting and downvoting.
By the way, I came up with a list of terms you did not translate or put in quotations. These might be options for you to use in the spanish version of your post. Some terms like resteem have been adapted in spanish with a spanish verb-construction ending into re-estimear, or re-steemear; it is thus an anglicism, like many other we have given the fact that the terms were born in English and we do not have an equivalent (to fax=faxear, to scan=escanear, etc.)

Mute / Muted: silenciar/ silenciado
Post/posted: publicar, publicación/publicado
Resteem/ed: resteemear, compartir/resteemeado
Upvote: votar
Curate: curar
Downvote/d: votar negativamente, recibir voto negativo
ex. I downvoted you= te di un voto negativo
I was downvoted...= recibí un voto negativo

Thank you very much @hlezama. I have printed this list of words with translations. I greatly appreciate it. This will help.

Did everything work out with your family?

You're welcome.
Yes, I have been trying to post about my daughter's arrival at Brazil, but I am having problems with my phone, internet, etc. Have not been able to upload the images and videos.
She is with her aunt and her maternal grandmother. After a tense journey from Antofagasta to Santiago de Chile, then from there to La Asunción (Paraguay), then, after a 10-hour-wait for her connection, to Sao Paulo, and finally to Sao Luis (Brazil).
My health is stable these days and I feel much better now that my daughter is safely with family, seeing a different reality, enjoying a better life.
Thanks for asking

I am so glad to hear she made it to her destination safely, and can have a chance for a better life. I am sure it is not easy on you and the rest of the family.

I forgot about your own health issues. A very painful condition indeed. Glad it is stable now.

This shot has brought the true essence of a beautiful rose, what a color grandpaa @r2cornell

Steem is still trading at a low price, this week Neoxag has also dropped. But the blogging is still on. Keep up this spirit grandpaa. Namaste.

Thank you.

Be sure and look at some of my other tags and sign into those accounts as well. Total earnings for all added together will help.

@r2cornell, I know you're a perfect micro photographer in this community. I'm lucky to followed you because your natural clicks bring me another planet. Also today you give valuable instructions for use correct tribes tags. Happy weekend.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I agree with you. they deserve to be mute. people like them are not grateful for what they have gotten. they are greedy. even though you give a lot of help. You not only have steem strength, but you have neoxag power. they make a lot of accounts with the aim of wanting to cheat by gaining a lot of profits from you.

I am very grateful and very grateful for what I have gotten from you. thanks to you I found out about many tokens. and thanks to you I have 3 thousand more strengths neoxag. if if you don't give me knowledge about tokens, maybe at this time I don't have any tokens.

For Harfock, I really enjoyed it. in my opinion this is the best thing to be able to do in the current platform steem conditions. in my opinion hf is not only useful for dealing with evil users, but is useful for increasing steem prices.

I like all the flowers that you display. Red roses, close-ups, and John's Wort. all flowers look beautiful. but in my opinion, the flower I like the most is John's wort flower. because besides being beautiful, it has many health benefits.

I hope that your days are always pleasant and that your days are always as beautiful as the flowers you display.

Thank you very much fro your comment. I greatly appreciate all of it.

Wow excellent camera shots in all photos. i like is rose flowers.

This is creative work sir. excellent photography and really look. thanks for sharing.
Have a nice day.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it! And, thank you for the Trendtoken!

Congratulations @goldcoin, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @r2cornell!
@r2cornell got 6 TRDO & @goldcoin got 4 TRDO!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
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My favorites are the Rose and the one in the 2nd photo. They are beautiful. I like the intense colors, and once again I find a beautiful sunflower that illuminates my view. & # 128521;
St. John's wort is used here in Venezuela for depression, nervousness and pre-menstrual pain.
I like the deer family, a beautiful mother with her children. It is very tender.

Muchísimas gracias. Siempre disfruto de su visita.

El bálsamo que hice usando la Hierba de San Juan y algunas otras hierbas que usé para curar las heridas. Probé la hierba de San Juan en un té, pero me hizo sentir agitado.