Contest of May#1 by @sduttaskitchen |Things for which you want to thank the almighty!

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Good day steemians how are you all doing today I hope you are fine and enjoying your day, today I will be taking part in the contest of may organize by @sduttaskitchen which is titled Things for which you want to thank the almighty!

As a human being that is still very much alive and healthy I will always remain greatful to the almighty for his goodness and his mercies in my life, which today I will be sharing with you all the three things I'm grateful for.

Mention Three Things For Which You Are Grateful To The Almighty.

Like I'd said I'm greatful to the almighty for so many things but in accordance with the hint of the contest I'm going to mention only three which are;

  • My life
  • My family
  • My examinations

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First and foremost I would like to thank God Almighty for my life and how he took care of me and making good health sufficient and secondly I would like to thank God for my family and how he protected all of us and no bad news have been heard.

And lastly I would like to thank God for my JAMB examination which by his grace I'd manage to have a good score (254) which is more than enough to take me to the university.

How Those Blessings Of God Impact Your Lifestyle..

The blessings and favours that I've managed to obtain from God has so much impacted my life in ways beyond imagination in a sense that through the life he has given I have enjoyed the benefit of good health both me and my family.

And also for my examination even though I didn't attend any lesson class but I only did a random reading with my phone while in the field of hustling but still I'd manage to score a good grade all thanks to his grace

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Do You Believe If We Wish Anything By Heart; The Almighty Fulfill Those Wishes? Share If You Have Any Story Related To The Same.

Yes indeed if we out of sincerity presents out our needs with all our heart to the almighty trust me he will surely grant us our heart desire but remember that everything works by faith as faith without work is dead.

And recently it happened to me despite dropping out from college some years back, I'd said to God that if this is his will for me to go back to school please that he should guide me to have a good score

And like I'd mention earlier with just reading through past questions and minor books without going to lesson I'd score higher than those jumping from one lesson point to another, so I really thank him for his grace.

This will be the end of my entry and I will like to invite @shiftitamanna @ripon0630 @felix12

Posted using SteemPro Mobile


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