SEC17 WK:#3: large and small families, likes and dislikes

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month (edited)

Opinion on family size~source

Hello and Warm greetings to all my steemkids friends out here. For some time I haven't drop something in the community due to schedule and lot more which we discuss later.

I'm so opportune to be dropping a piece of work which will go on to tell a dispute on family size, as a criteria for this week's engagement challenge. A lot to be said, keep calm and read along with me.

The issue of family size have been a topic around the Conner as a lot of debates have been held to get to a right conclusion on which is better. It is going to be a large family or a small family?.

To get through with this dispute, I am going to clear a few points that will make you get the difference and make your personal decision on having a large or a small family.

Let me start here with a throwback of ancient Africa versus morden world. Africa 🌍 have remarkable history for answering the question on large family versus small family.

According to ancient believe, or rather say "culture" a man who was able to get multiple wives and kids was seen as a strong hold to masculinity. He was treated with respect and other benefits his peers won't get.


Opinion on family size~source

So with the mentality, it was rear to see a man with just a wive and few kids. No body wants disrespect or being mocked at for having a small family as he was portrayed as weak.

For a recap, these people were a majority farmers, who could provide daily bread for their family simply without a problem. The cost of education was relatively cheap, high value of money and so on.

Someone with a relatively big family and multiple wives was able to take care of the whole family without raising any consents.

Now welcome to the morden world 🌎 where, there's rising inflation, war, high cost standard of living and dispute amidst husbands and wives or kids.

Nowadays , the question of whether raising a big family or little one is going to be strictly guided on a number of factors which must be put in place if someone is hoping to do any of the choice, big versus small family.

  • Personal preferences:
    This is a discussion which should take place between the both partners on how many children they ideally want. I have witness frustration in marriages where by one parent wants a few kids and the other contrary.

Most often before or after marriage, partners Should seat down and have a genuine talk on the number of kids they wish to have and they both come out with a conclusion.

Opinion on family size~source

Often times we here cases of babies coming as an accident as birth control sometimes turn to slide a bit but nevertheless both partners Should always take charge of such cases.

So my point solidifies thus, before going in for any family size personal preference is to be tabled first.

  • Finances:
    Topic on finances is a major call for consent, While debating on family size questions like "Can you afford to raise a large family? Consider the costs of childcare, education, food, and housing.", Should always be considered while doing family planing.

I come from a really large family, with multiple siblings and I can bet on this, it's never easy taking care of a large family especially when your pockets are not wealthy enough.


finances and family size~source

My dad is a traditionalist and possessed several traditional heritage and rights which entitled him to go for a large family. He's been very responsible and trying as much as he could to put his kids in better form.

Nevertheless there are still some lapse as he can't satisfy everyone equally or eventually, but to an extent he is fair compared to what I've witnessed in most large families.

Financing child education, child support, shelter is a serious problem especially in the economy we are right now. If you weigh your pockets and see that you can go above your expectations, I plead with you, cut down your desires.

For our parents it was easy back then but then this is the morden world where living costly. I speak clearly on my point, Go in for a family size base on your personal opinion, but review the raise questions on finances before you make the step.

  • Lifestyle:
    Lifestyle here's to be put in the Sense that; Do you have the time and energy to devote to raising a large family?

Oftentimes parents have become so devoted to work life that they turn to neglect the amount of time they spend with their kids. Most time they get nannies to do the Job of the parents.



I bet on this, the amount of discipline, child moral support, security has drop drastically from the past decade. Children are so naive, disrespectful, and exposed to the outside than ever.

This wouldn't have been possible if the parents were always there to give them the basic home training they need. Sometimes I wonder where we went wrong.

It saddens me to see a kid turn to his own father and mother doing everything for himself when both parents are busy out there. Please if you you are getting to family size, weigh your schedule, does it permit you to have more time with your kids?. If your having problems with one kid thing of what will it be if they were many.

  • Cultural background:
    Now this is where the conversation get even more heated. A lot of people are under pressure from their culture on the amount of kids they should have.



It's a really challenging situation as some cultures require individual to go in for large family size. This goes on to earn them some respect and fulfilling their cultural desire.

My point is it all depends on the individual, are u going in for the culture, or your counting on your own opinion?. Do your desired based on your capabilities.

Alright. I have sidelined a lot of interesting facts about family size, going now to my own preference. I personally will go in for a small family size. Reason being that I come from a large family, and the cons outweigh the pros. I don't want that to repeat to myself.

I desire my kids to enjoy my presence. Well taken care of and not go through the same process I went through as a kid. Perhaps it's a morden world and large family size is becoming outdated.

Conclusion. Family size is all about self capability, personal opinion and lots more. I won't dispute on anyone's choice of family, as it's strictly a personal affair and nothing less. I encourage you to go on your heart desires, but make sure to review my points on personal preferences, fiance, lifestyle and culture. This will give you a tip in the right direction, whatever your choice is.

Ending on a good note, I will like to invite @wirngo, @fombae and @saxopedia to share their opinions on this raised topic.

Author: @rafk


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We are in the same boat, small family is easy to carter for

 last month (edited)
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

Being born into a big or small family is destiny, but wherever we are, we must still try to build a happy family with love.

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