in #life7 years ago (edited)


As far as I can remember every morning was a struggle. I would be forced by my parents out of my bed, I’d have my shower, get dressed and sit at the table having my breakfast with barely open eyes. I didn’t hate school but I just didn’t understand why I had to go every morning. I had no choice, I would have to sit in a classroom whether I learn anything or not. After getting through primary school then secondary school then college and university, i came to understand the system.
From a young age we are told we must go to school, then college and university which will allow us to get the qualifications we need to get a good job, now this may seem like the norm and a good idea to many but to me it just seemed as if i would be wasting my life. I felt imprisoned. 🔒

I am a stronger believer in education, I believe education and knowledge is very powerful, i am glad I did go through the system because it helped me pick up on some of the key skills i'd need in life. However i noticed the system is missing key information (deliberately?) we aren’t taught how the world works, we aren't taught about self improvement, we aren’t taught about financial education, or any of the other adult worldly problems that we would face once we are chewed up and spat out by the system. Instead we are taught to focus on certain strengths and subjects throughout the entire educational system so in the end we are fully trained for a job.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science honors degree and thirty five thousand pounds of student loan debt to pay with interest rising year after year. Whilst I was studying at university I was also trying new ventures, I knew once I graduated I didn’t want to go in to the corporate world. I did not want to work long hours for someone I probably would not like, who told me what to do and when to do it, also there would be that risk of losing my job at any time.
The reason I went to university and completed the degree was because it was my parents dream for me to graduate; like many people they think the path the system dictates to us is the best path, another reason was I figured it would be a good learning experience and it would show that I am capable of doing what my peers are doing but I just choose not to. So knowing my future was not going to be in the same corporate world as most of my university friends, I kept an open mind and jumped at every opportunity that came my way.

i managed to escape the prison aka the education system and now i do not have a job because i do not want a job. I work on my own terms and i am my own boss. There's many ways to make an income other than getting a job. I will talk about some of the options in future posts

Tip of the day:

  • Work on yourself, personal development and self improvement is a major key to success


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I can feel you man. I am in university right now and still don't understand why the good things aren't getting teached. Self-education is the way to go!

I work with a lot of young people and I always tell them don't go to college because theyre going to rack up a ton of debt and not be able to get a job good enough to pay it back. if I want to learn a skill the internet is a great resource for that, its free, and I have more motivation to learn because I'm looking at skills that I have an interest in...

I love your tip of the day.

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