The Dairy Game:24/07/21: My Saturday Activities.

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Greetings everyone. I hope you all are doing well by the grace of God.
Am here once again to share with you guys how my activities went today. When I woke up in the morning, I prayed fajir, took my bath, and then joined my friends to the football field to support our hostel as the hostel league continues.


When we got there, they have already started the match and then members from various hostels were already there supporting their teams.

Players playing on the field.
My people finished their game around 10:15 and as at that time, I was very hungry so I then proceeded to the roadside and bought some banku and from there I went home.


After taking the food, I decided to sleep small so the body can get some rest.
A friend of mine payed a visit and then woked me up.
We had some little discussion and afterwards went and visited a lady friend who went home for Eid ul Adha celebration.

With my friend's
Thank you.

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