in #life8 years ago


Back in my younger days when I was a preteen. I can remember my father talking to me about SUICIDE. This might sound odd to some of you but it is a talk that all of our children should here.

His words where "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" 

Did you know that each year there are 35,000 deaths caused by suicide. Thats more than double of  the homicide deaths in the United states.

Thats 94 suicides per day a senseless number.

54% of suicides are done by fire arms.

It's the second leading cause of death amoung people 25 to 34 years of age.

Males make up 80% of the 35,000 

Last year alone there where 864,950 people who attempted suicide. Thats one ever 38 seconds.


  • Depression
  • Hopelessness 
  • Anxiety
  • Lack  of social support
  • Alcohol or substance abuse 
  • Loss in relationships 
  • Family history of suicide
  • Mental health issues
  • Access to lethal means
  • Unwillingness to seek help

Over the past few years both of my youngest kids and to go through a friend committing suicide. 

Talk to your kids!!!

We can change these statistics. 

We must change them.

Please resteem this post.

Follow me @raybrockman 


Mate, that is great work.
The Suicide rate among returning veterans is a disgrace and what is being done? Fuck all!
Pardon my language but if our corrupt leaders are going to send young men and women into a war zone for a bunch of lies and shite the least you can do help them to cope and become productive citizens after.
It's appalling, sorry for ranting it disgusts me.

Completely agree with you @tremendospercy something needs to be done. Thanks for the comment.

We have to have HOPE my friend. And we also need to be prepared when all HOPE is lost! DR

Great post, we need to talk to the young people and find out what the hell is going on, WHY are they feeling as though this is the only solution. Cheers

I came to the conclusion some time ago that social engineering is the direct cause of this problem. All core values have been removed from everyday society over the last few generations . Without a stable mature parents children have very little hope of developing the necessary skills to overcome adversity or navigate the jungle of psychological bombardment. I give my children love ,support ,understanding of purpose, direction, duty, expectation and discipline to name a few to create BALANCE in their lives. When a child understands the value of FAMILY it becomes a shield to protect them from external negative influence

Good post UV'd

Daily steem visit.

This is a very important issue. Thank you for raising awareness! I struggled a lot with depression earlier in my life. It is possible to grow in it and to be healthy again. The most important thing is to seek help!

Thanks for the comment. I completely agree, you have to get help.

Thanks for the resteem

Great post!
It is necessary for everyone to know about these issues.

Thanks for the comment, you have to know the signs. Followed.

Certainly, we can. you have touched upon a sensitive topic and it shows how you care about it.

Thanks for the comment. I do care, I think its senseless. And a number that is way to big. I think it is a negative reflection of the world, cause how many could we have prevented?

Thats all right. but it's more of sorta spread the word. We might not prevent all of what's happening but at least concern about it. And what you did in this post is just the reflection of it.

Thanks my friend.

This is a very important post Ray! Thanks for your time and effort you put into sharing this. I have lost some friends and acquaintances to suicides and always wonder if there is anything I could have done or said to help them make the decision to choose life. These tragedies have taught me to be a little more present and open with people. For all we know, They may have needed just that little boost and motivation to live from receiving a little attention and kindness. It's not too much for me to give that out of my abundance. It is cliche but so true that life is a precious thing. We can promote its value just by showing some love. ~HRatch

Thanks for the comment my friend. Yes i think it is a subject that deserves some attention. I think as a world we can change this number drastically, if we just slow down and pay attention.

There is really no reason for it. It's best to get the people considering it into a more productive mindset. I think a busier mind is a happier mind.

Thanks for the visit and comment. Yeah its a growing problem that I think we all could help get under controll . Nice silver pick ups.