Day 908: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: motivation / My freewrite #5

in Freewriters5 years ago

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What keeps one motivated to move on and on in their respective fields, be it art, sports, education etc. It is easy to do something where everything is going right but on the contrary if one is falling and still moves with heads up and chest out, for me that one's will power coming to existence. I believe there are numerous factors which push a person's limit to the next level and keep us motivated.

For me these factors play a vital role.

Firstly, doing what we love:

If we are working in some other field and not where we want to be, we might be successful in that but we will definitely lack motivation.

Being mentally prepared:

We need to mentally prepared to be both applauded and criticized.

Maintaining a routine:

We should avoid skipping our work which i often do even knowing it boosts our creativity and keep us motivated. To be really honest i am working hard on it and trying to implement it.

Love your haters:

I still remember the great St. Kabir's famous lines which i read in high school and engraved into my memory. The lines, " Keep your enemies close to you for they will keep reminding you who you actually are". I appreciate my haters as much as people who supports me. Taking the negativity and converting it to the positive vibes. I owe them for they add fuel to my motivation chamber.

Never quit:

The most powerful two words that is equal to a whole motivational novel. I read motivational stories of many successful persons who were on the verge of quitting but here they stand, firm and tall. Mentioning a name would be wrong, because there are many on my list.

On top of that, connecting with the nature helps me a lot. The biting winds in green nature, morning coldness of the hills, the adventures and thrill of new places etc.

What keeps you moving in your hard times?

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My post for day 908: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: motivation @mariannewest