How is Bone Marrow Transplant done ??
How is Bone Marrow Transplant done ??
It is said - In the world of respondents, diagnosis of blood cancer is one in every one minute. And every one and a half minutes, one patient dies of blood cancer. It can be understood only if it is considered to be a serious disease.
Blood cancer is mainly meant to describe three cancers - leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The most common of these are - leukemia. It is said - 10th in terms of number of leukemia cancer in human body. And the first as kids. The most common among the children is- ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) and the most common among adults is AML (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) and CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia).
The first to describe blood cancer is Alfred Velpau in 1827. Although he could not give full description. In 1845, the father of modern pathology "Rudolph VeraVoro" gave full description of the disease. And leukemia named blood cancer. The word leukemia is derived from the German language.
Although the name leukemia carries a wrong meaning. Because this word is not seen as cancerous (all other cancers have carcinoma or sarcoma). The name of blood cancer is related to blood, but disease is in the bone; Sometimes our sister marrow or bone wax. From where all the blood cells of our body are made. The likelihood of men being leukemia is more than 31% higher than women.
Blood cancer can be symptom-3 such as non-specific, cancer symptom and metastasis symptom. Feeling of non-spasic phosphorus, may have weakness in the body. As a symptom of cancer - loss of weight, loss of taste in the mouth, bone pain, lymph node swelling, blood circulation etc with nausea. Metastasis depends on the symmetric organ.
For disease diagnosis, first blood blood cell count and peripheral blood film are to be seen. To confirm BONE MARROW is to be studied.
Leukemia has to start with the treatment of diagnosis - its main treatment is "Bone Marrow TRANSPLANTATION". Even then, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are required to be given at the beginning.
Let's learn how to do BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT. In some cases, sore throat transplantation takes place. For example, leukemia, elastic enamia, multiple myeloma, ITP. In this world, more than 70 thousand people have been given transplantation. Most of the allogenic type (Allogenic TYpe) has been done. That means the donor is another person.
Among us (even within the Mediclaim student), the idea that the sister of the transplantation is inserted into the bone marrow of the patient's bone. The incident is not actually.
- The recipient patient who is kept in a room in a style. Then the high dose chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or both of them responded by destroying all the blood cell and sister vermin of the body. Then he was rescued by Artophysylli.
- Fresh blood is given to blood cells in the vacuum. Fresh and chronic blood taken from the body of another
Steam cells from the donor already collected are pushed to the recipient's new blood.
The steam cells find their own bone masses in their own home. Gradually, all the bones of the body, new lives of sisters and their permanent residences.
It takes about two months to complete the process. In our country, the country has started a short range of Hematology Department of Dhaka Medical and BSMMU.
No matter how frail, succes rate is not too high. The reason for the transplant failure is due to graphotype rejection, infection, etc.