Fake, Corrupt and Evil Charities - How to Donate Wisely

A lot of charities want your money. What do they do with the money? Do they deserve it? A lot goes on behind the scenes you don’t know about. A lot of charities only give around 1% to their causes, with the rest going into their greedy hands making them rich. And then there are other charities that say they go to their cause, but are really going into advertising to further make these ‘charities’ rich.


For breast cancer, all the money goes into advertising. You always see the ribbons. It is shoved down your throat. Did you know that the testing for breast cancer is very ineffective, and actually causes cancer? It even gives false positives and these poor women get horrible ‘treatment’ they don’t need. And what about charities in the third world. A lot of these charities give vaccines on the third world. Next time, make your doctor show you the ingredients on the vaccine label. And be horrified, it’s no wonder the vaccines actually weaken the body and cause disease.

Charities in the third world seem obsessed with destroying their local cultures and bringing in evil megacorporations with their nasty junk food for example. Charities get donations from these corporations to do their bidding. And don’t be fooled by the charities that promote Agenda 2030. Charities can have elaborate ways of laundering donation money too to get their paws on it, taking it out of the hands of those who really need it.

You can go to https://www.charitynavigator.org to get a better idea of the best charities to donate to. They should donate almost all of the donations to their cause. Look for transparency. Do research on them to make sure your donations are not going to big pharma or for New World Order agendas like depopulation or Agenda 2030, globalization or corporations. Do even more research to hopefully find out they are not laundering donations money. Even volunteer for them to find out how they are run.

Really, I don’t trust charities much. They are either for people with a lot of money that want to look good or that want to do something good without having to lift a finger, and of course most of the time this does not work out. It is better if you do donate on a personal basis. Honestly, it is better to donate to a homeless person that might spend your donation on alcohol than it going to the evil corporation that might have put them on the streets in the first place. If you don’t like that then donating food or blankets might be better for you.

Then there is just donating to people that are doing good work. Like someone that is helping people. Someone that is providing good information. Someone who these corporations and governments despise because they expose them and are not controlled by them. The least a person could do is to like, share and provide words of encouragement. Youtube and patreon are evil corporations that take a good chunk of the donations. Bitcoin is better. And steemit is probably the best because you don’t even have to spend your own money. It really is a great idea, a great platform.


I agree with you completely, we need to be hands on with our charitable actions
to ensure people in need actually get the help!

Yes! I have noticed very dodgy things from NGOs

They basically use unsuspecting tourists as slave labor. And get them to pay high prices for it!

And they are affiliated with government and corporations

Great insights thanks

Thank you! people should be aware of where their money goes

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