Strawberry Rhubarb Crème Pâtissière Shortcake : Part 1
Start with the freshest ingredients that you can find.
(Preferably straight from your garden or backyard.)
This is a 3 part recipe. It includes:
How to harvest rhubarb and stew it with strawberries to make a compote;
How to make crème pâtissière from eggs and coconut milk; and
How to make shortcake using ground pecans.
Stewed Strawberry Rhubarb Compote:
- Harvest 1.5 cups of strawberries.
See What I See:
In the photo (below) you can see what a small patch of rhubarb looks like. This patch is still in its infancy and is only 2 years old.
- Harvest the rhubarb by cutting it close to ground level.
- Then, cut the leaves from the stalks.
Compost the rhubarb leaves. They’re exceptionally poisonous. They contain oxalic acid which can (very quickly) cause kidney failure in humans, if ingested.
- Wash the stalks and cut them into small pieces.
- .5 cups of chopped rhubarb.
Rhubarb is actually quite a sour vegetable but when it’s stewed and paired with other fruit, it adds a tangy, mouth puckering, quality to any fruit-based recipe.
Rhubarb is a perennial which means that once it is planted, it will grow every year. Rhubarb is a vintage vegetable and some patches can get massive. It’s also exceptionally hardy which means that it’s difficult to kill. For these reasons, it’s advisable to plant a patch, in a location that you can contain.
- Cut the strawberries into small pieces.
- Add the rhubarb and strawberries to a medium-size pot.
- Add .25 cups of the juice (of your choice) along with the juice of .5 a lime. (I used cherry juice but orange or apple would work, equally, as well.)
- Adjust the flame to medium and be prepared to continually stir the pot.
(The berries and juice contain a lot of natural sugars. Keep the mixture moving so that it doesn’t burn while it cooks down. This stewing process takes approximately 15-20 minutes to achieve the correct consistency.)
Just keep stirring. ;)
The berries and rhubarb will meld together and become a cohesive mass in your pot.
- Remove the pot from the flame and add 2 tablespoons of maple syrup.
The finished compote should be thick and stick to the back of a spoon, like pudding.
~ Rebecca
Good recipe for strawberry lover, have a great day with the taste of it, i have expected some cannabis into it!
Posted using Partiko Android
So you see, @sheikh27, I didn’t let you down...
When medicating food, there are choices. You can medicate the whole offering or, you can medicate compartmentally or in a more isolated way.
I generally like to put the cannabis with fat. In this case, I chose to use the egg yolks and coconut milk to support the cannabis in the 2nd part of the recipe. ;)