The History Of Vaccines Series

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The Smallpox Vaccine And The Leicester Method (1877)

Years ago I had to read many books about the history of vaccines because I was taking nursing courses for my BSN in nursing. I decided to work as a paralegal instead and changed my course work. But I still remember a little bit about the history of medicine, especially vaccines. The study of human diseases is not pretty and that may be the reason why I decided to become a paralegal instead of a nurse. I will be keeping my articles simple with legit citations. My motto is simple is as simple does, when I try to write like I paint I totally get lost in the details.

The smallpox vaccine was developed before medical science knew what the human immune system was and how it worked.

Dairy maids back in the mid-1700s had a rumor going around the milking circuit that a dairy maid had been infected with cowpox. Cowpox was a common infection around the cows udder. When the human smallpox reared it’s ugly head infecting townships far and wide the dairy maid who was sickened by cowpox didn't get sick from smallpox.

Edward Jenner caught wind of the rumor and went to investigate. Edward Jenner was a physician and scientist who developed the smallpox vaccine, the term vaccine came from the term Variolae Vaccinae smallpox of the cow. Jenner is known as the father of immunology even through science didn’t know anything about the human immune system at that time.

The scientist of Jenner’s time around the mid 1700s found that scrapping the pus from an infected cow udder and smearing the pus on an open wound would cause a mild form of pox like symptoms. The cow pox udder pus... which may also contain the pox from goats and horses and sometimes human smallpox was mixed with glycerin and then applied to the healthy subjects pierced skin. The scientist would take a sharp object and pierce the skin of a human subject several times and apply the mixture. Many people died of the different varieties of diseases rather than develop a resistance to small pox. Kind of reminds me of the people die or have harsh reactions from the mixtures of adjuvants in our modern day vaccines.

The death rate from the first vaccines were higher than the death rate from people who caught the disease naturally.

When the vaccine was first developed there was no way to figure out which kind of smallpox the person had. The vaccine could of held a variety of pox, monkeypox, chickenpox, or human pox. Back in the day any pox was smallpox even though the vaccine was said to have only animal pox. It was the most contaminated vaccine of it’s time.

There was a town in England, Leicester which had one of the highest rates of vaccinations in the world at that time. The township was experiencing higher than normal smallpox outbreaks. The mayor of the township was under pressure from residents to stop vaccinating because people were becoming horribly ill and dying. With the help of other great minds an alternative protocol was developed called the Leicester Method.

Medical scientist predicted plague like results if the township stopped vaccinating. Scientist predicted everyone would die around the world because the township decided to stop vaccinating. However, the opposite happened the town had the lowest rate of infections and deaths compared to vaccinated populations. Does this remind you of the doomsayers of modern times regarding horrible deaths thousands of children would suffer from common diseases like measles and the flu, which most of us baby boomers survived with ease... and....omg....unknown plagues like the bird flu, ebola, or zika virus ?

How did the township stop the smallpox epidemics? From the data taken from the history of the Leicester township, isolating the infected people in fever hospitals, better hygiene and sanitary protocols stopped the spread of smallpox and this was called the Leicester Method.

Some Photos From Pixabay, Other Photos Have No Owners.

NCBI PDF “The Leicester Method”

Rethinking The Immune System

NCBI “The gut microbiome shapes intestinal immune responses during health and disease”

some_text A link to My Blog


I am not sick, I am writing articles about modern medicines history.

oh I think you're sick again.
I am very worried.

No need to worry, I am very healthy. The fast I did really boosted my energy and endurance. Thank you for your kindness @safrijals. When I start painting I often disappear for a day or two because I need to focus and concentrate.

Being on social medial like steemit is very distracting. I think about the words I've read and hear the people's voices in my mind through the day after I am done reading their articles and talking with them.

Yes, you are welcome.
what happened to your friends.
why are you now turning into a small fish like me

Popularity is not a fixed thing in this world let alone on steemit, especially in the arts. I am okay with that, I enjoyed the ride and have a some good investments, no worries my friend.

yes i start worrying with you.
long time no see

You are so kind ( hugs)

an epic history behind the smallpox anf vacination, the method simple and effective, better innovation.

Hygiene the biggest advance in medical science!

Hygiene plus a healthy diet that helps maintain a healthy immune system, which means a healthy gut micro biome. Science is finally figuring out a healthy diet, which means healthy gut bacteria makes a healthy person lololol

Yes nutrition is the other main part of health but modern medicine really hasn't figured that out yet. I once taught a practicing nurse about fecal implants to cure C. difficile.

Oh I just checked out your blog, you like to write about things I am interested in and like to research...hahaha!

I like your blog too, I'm into herbal medicine and alternate nutrition but haven't gotten around to it lately.

bat for what it's friend ,,,,...

health is wealth....always...keep your body neat and clean..
eat good food and be healthy...
everybody should be conscious about health..

thank you reddust for your good post


nice post, honestly i don't know much about the diseases but after reading your post i gained good knowledge about leicester method and it is good to stop the smallpox, i have a question did the smallpox and chickenpox are the same diseases or different. thanks for sharing very nice information with us.

The human pox virus is related to other pox viruses that infect animals but there are not the same. There are two types of human smallpox, one is less virulent than the other. Variola major, the human form of smallpox was the most common and also the most deadly.

hmmm that's why in our country when new baby is born there is a course of nine injections which we must have to complete and the smallpox Vaccine is one of them.

Yes and newborn babies have natural immunities from their mother and also incomplete immune systems. There are concerns that injecting newborns damages the immune systems of a percentage of children, especially boys.

Informative read. I realized I shouldn't be eating my breakfast while reading it once it started talking about scraping the pus from cow udders.

Sorry about that, I am an ex dairy maid and nothing makes me sick...except huge open wounds on human beings. I get sympathy pains really bad.

I almost pass out when they take my blood from a finger prick; needless to say I would never survive in a medical profession. :)

I've butchered and cooked all sorts of wild/farm animals. Delivered all sorts of farm animal babies, sewed up farm animal wounds, cut of the balls of young bulls, fixed infected goats feet...I thought nothing could gross me out or make me feel faint....fixing human wounds totally freaked me out...although I was told I would develop an immunity once I started working ... After I started my lab work I found research was far more interesting than working on humans. I liked lab work but my research and reading regarding medical history stayed with me, I decided this form of medicine wasn't my cup of tea.

Health is wealth,that's a lovely post,thanks for very good sharing

Thank you @quinnpeterson, without our health wealth means nothing!

I am against vaccination, although it has good medication, we must respect positive things.

I am against injecting chemicals and foreign proteins into the human system...but what I am really against is forced medicine....medicine without an informed choice.

Brave post. Thank you for sharing it.
Medicine is a terrible weapon : /


I was 40 years old and not very impressionable when I started college. The history of modern day medicine freaked me out, it is violent and sadistic in its nature. I got really depressed for a time and finally left college. I took a few paralegal courses and worked for a lawyer, law is ugly but not as ugly as modern day medicine or its history.

Which less than ten percent are you gonna keep and who needs to die? 😰

We do not have accurate records to gage how many people who have been harmed or killed by vaccines because hospitals don't record reactions, many times chalking up the reaction as something else besides a vaccine reaction. I am sure you know that since the data on this point of argument is easily researched and I know this from experience. When one runs across data that is hidden and the perps can't be charged with harm one knows there is a reason besides incompetence data is being withheld from the public that is forced into buying this product, we know there is data that is harming us and why we are being ignored, caste out of society or thrown in jail when we refuse to comply.

Although the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requires doctors and other health care providers who administer vaccines to make a report to VAERS for “hospitalizations, injuries, deaths and serious health problems” following vaccination, it is estimated that this happens in only between 1-10% of the cases.8 9 VAERS receives about 30,000 reports annually.

Interesting with some history learning. Vaccine indeed is a controversial issue, and seeing the history of its development I can understand that even more !

What is your general opinion of taking vaccines today ?

I think the theory of vaccine is good but the practice is for profit and does not benefit the general human population because of the quantity of vaccines and their low quality. There are questionable practices regarding vaccinating pregnant women, premature babies, and newborns...there is much our science does not know about immune systems, especially developing immune systems ....

Modern day medicine, heroic medicine, is still in its infancy

You are definitely right about the fact that modern day medicine is still in its infancy I completely agree with that.

Like you say medicine is mostly controlled by greedy corporations that have the main goal of earning money not necessarily do what's best for our health

I think vaccines should be checked on an individual bases for allergic reactions, but that would not be cost effective. Our immune systems are as different as our personality. One siz fits all Medicine is going to become extinct soon, it’s in its death throes right now, just like a lot of our one size fits all institutions.

" put immune systems are as different as our personalities" - this is very true ! Very nice way of putting it 👍

" put immune systems are as different as our personalities" - this is very true ! Very nice way of putting it 👍

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