안전한 헤드셋 사용 방법 - How to use a safe headset
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In everyday life we often use headphones or earphones to hear music, therefore there are several ways to use a headset that is safe for the ear:
- Avoid using a headpset or small earphones that go straight into the ear hole. Better headphones are great, because there is still air coming into the ear.
- Avoid sharing your headset and earphones with others. This is to avoid ear infections.
- Make sure you replace the sponge or rubber cover your headset or earphone once a month. If your earphone or headset does not have a sponge, be sure to clean them.
- Do not use earphones or headsets when driving a car, or travel by train, city bus or on foot.
- This is the most important, do not listen to music with loud volume when using your headset earphone.
My friend, a kind reminder here.
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