Playing hard to get

in LifeStyle4 years ago

Relationship Question:


In a relationship program, a confused guy asked the speaker:
"how many times do you need to ask a girl out for her to know that you really like her or are serious about her?"

And the speaker answered: "once is enough!"

The guy questioned further: " but ladies are told to play hard so that the guy would keep chasing her so as to prove the seriousness of his likeness."

Here's what the preacher said:
"how long a guy chases a girl he professed likeness for doesn't show his seriousness of wanting to be with her. Anybody can ask the same girl out a hundred times, it's the intention that matters.
Whether the lady agrees to the guy on the first asking or on the hundredth asking, she still has to find out his true intentions for her else she would be putting herself in a position to be taken for a ride.

If she's interested in you initially, she would come close to you to find out your true intentions for asking her out: not playing "catch me if you can" game with your emotion."

When the speaker finished speaking the guy went forward and knelt down before the speaker begging him to help him cast out the mumu spirit of "prove you're serious about me and chase me till infinity" from him.

If she wants you, asking her once is enough for her to joyfully come close to find out your true intention for her.

No man should ever chase a woman: let any woman you're interested in know you're interested in her and take whatever response she gives to you as final.

If she welcomes your interest, be glad and show to her what she would have missed if she had turned you down. But if she wants to play the "prove to me how serious you are about me" game, leave her to play her game alone and look for someone else that wants you.

Love can never be proved, it can only be shown!


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