Steemy Monsters - An Erotic Story of Forbidden Lust and Passion

in #asshole5 years ago


Glarbo was a monster. Not a scary monster, mind you. A sex monster. Now granted, that didn’t mean he wasn’t scary.
Maybe it was his huge fangs. Maybe it was his dozens of eyes. Maybe it was his many, many dangly dongs protruding from his hideous body. Regardless, nobody wanted to have sex with poor Glarbo. And this made Glarbo a sad monster.

Glarbo took his depression and sexual frustration out on the poor, unsuspecting citizens of Toronto, Canada. He would hide behind trash cans and wait for happy couples to walk by, and pop out and frighten them. Not very cool, and but it made him feel a bit better nonetheless. It was a hollow happiness.

One evening, Glarbo was hiding in a dumpster. It was so dark and he was all alone. A good time to contemplate. What would his next victims look like? What sounds would they make when they shrieked? Glarbo could hardly contain himself. Suddenly, a russling sound in the dumpster. Must be a rat.

“Who are you?"

“AHH!!!!!” Glarbo screamed in terror.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting another monster in here.”

Glarbo’s dozens of eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness, and there he saw her: huge fangs, dozens of eyes, and many, many dangly vaginas...the sexiest monster he had ever seen.

“ Yeah I wasn’t expecting another monster here either. I’m Glarbo, what’s your name?”
“Hi Glarbo, I’m Michelle.”
“Michelle, I hope I’m not being too forward. I mean, I know we just met, but would you like to scare people with me tonight?”
“I’d really like that Glarbo! But first I'd really like...something else...”

Then they had sex.

The end.


oh man thats amazing, STEEMY monsters and you got 37 ASS tokens for it, and if you keep posting great stories and maybe reference ASS token in posts Ill make you and @battleaxe official ass token curators with a lot more as stakes powered up to your asspower account

and look at that real internet money , some DOGECOIN has appeared in your @reverendrum steem account

I sent from @fyrstikken 's @steemspeak discord using @inertia 's @banjo bot but not as a tip but i sent the dogep DIRECTLY to your STEEM Engine account so no need to withdraw from discord, you have it in steem, where you can withdraw to doge main net or sell for steemp, you can go here to see

Much obliged, matey! I'm glad ye all have been enjoyin' readin' me erotic stories as much as I enjoy writin' 'em. I've been powerin' up me ass fer more ass power.

More, and even hotter stories comin' down the pipeline soon.

sooooo steemy

You totally had me, until...

dangly vaginas 🍑


Many, many of them.

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