Tale of Denial (#Day 54)

in #steemitschoolpoetry6 years ago (edited)

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The choices we make in life
can be the wall shielding us from glory
- @rexdickson

With simmering thoughts gushing pods of sweat on her skin, fist pressed and pivoted on her waist, eyes throwing careless glances at her prized yet rejected gift. Her face: pale, that had no savour or flavour at all. She looked like a cornered being feeling defeated, dejected and her cologne has lost its perfumed scent.

Her mind has been the ground of wandering thoughts.
Her image; the arena of bashing blames.
Her voice; the carrier of stenched regrets

Even in the cold room she felt her skin on flames. She opened her mouth at last like a recovering vanquish but no words came out, no, only lips reciprocating. After what seemed like eternity, when finally her words found their stand, she cried...

Judge me not with the failure I carried within mother
Your face speaks pity and disdain but clothe me not in blames papa!
Because I chose to accept this failure, yes!
Do my decision now make me a disappointment too?
Is that why society now look at me like fart from a mad woman's bosom?
I now walk the streets I was once celebrated with fear
Fingers now point at me like dried shit on the ground for caution
Mothers now sing my name in the moonlight folktales
Old men drink my history along with their kegs of plan wine
Because I can’t kill that which isn’t alive yet?
Even Linda laughed
Linda who also had hers to chose to make away with it

She paused,the cold evening breeze ushered her back to reality. She couldn't stop her mind from playing back the ugly event than happened more than a decade ago, an event that shaped her life to an unimaginable condition. Again, she drifted into her lonely ocean of thought...

If only he accepted the pregnancy
If only he stood by me
When papa drove me from his house
when the villagers banished me from the land
When the world spat at me
Calling me a failure because of the seed I carried
If only..........

With sigh, she looked over her shoulders only to see me looking cold but indifferent. She rotated her neck back like I never existed, dropped her neck with the head bouncing afterwards like tennis in clayed courts. She continued but now her voice only seemed to go with stutters. Her sigh sent echoes touching my cochlea with a tickle louder than diplomatic sirens, she said,

Cry not little one, cry not
I will tell you how your father came
How he came bearing words of romance on his lips tips and had that sweet masculine smile
How my skin rejuvenated when he caressed them
How my heartbeat skipped when his words touched me
How my skin's fallen hairs rose up when his fingers approached them
How his voice echoed in my distant dreams
He was the hero of my fantasy dream..
When in my folly I believed him
I wiill tell you feeble one
How he gave you to me
Even February can testify that
That night was cold
He came saying he wanted warmth
Then like a sizzling hot sensation you ran off him into me
Right then he smile changed
I couldn't reach him again
He never dropped a message or whisper a love tune anymore
If you see him coming dear child
Don't run after: he's not your father
So sit, sit and I'll tell you
I'll tell like how from the eastern skies-I'll rise
Like the blossoming black rose
With luring nectar
I’ll rise like the morning dawn
Yes, like the sun I'll rise again
Bittered but bettered

Rising off the seat of disdain, she caressed my hair, kissing it lightly like the touch of moonlight, smiled a wide grin with tears marching off her eyes

Don’t be a son of your father
He wasn’t a true man
Don’t think with your blood
Think with your head
Don’t be a branch of a spiky root
That thrusts the waters that made it
Be the black rose in the snow
The light that defines darkness

Her last words herald her leave, an heavy silence came in resting on our heads like tongues of fire,yet the crickets still dared to sing, even the moon still spilled her creamy moonlight on us. With our glances consummating. He stood up too, took hold of my hand like a merchant holds his goods. I broke off like a freed slave

I am not a son of my father
I’m not a branch of a spiky root
I am a light in darkness
The illuminate of the moon
I am a true man

Moving away; I could sense his regrets hovering in the room, his voice now sounded like the vanquish, his words had no voice as his words hung on the air. The voice that rejuvenated in me kept echoing...

He is not your father
You are a child of he who bear no name
His footprints on weren't trailing your cries
His lips stood against her
He left her crawling from desert of loneliness
Her endless tears never stroke a chord in his void mind
He is guilty, yes!
He is guilty for being inhumane

But a small still voice whispered within the crevice of my burdened heart...

We are all guilty
Of one thing or another
We all deserve a second chance
Or don't We??

I had only look back, only to see who I never became...
But we all deserve a second chance, or don't we?


photos source

This is an entry to 100days poetry challenge.
Join steemit school on discord here https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P


Lovely poem. I loved how you tell a story and let their dialogue be poetic. Strong emotions and an apt description not only pulls one into the world of the poem, but also into the minds of the characters and where they speak from.

I'm glad you took out time to read it through. I just wanted to do something unusual by telling a story in poetic lines.

it is so beautiful and tells the story of numerous mothers who give all of themselves and get only a fetus in return and of course all the scorn from others. I liked the ending also when the boy feels that his father does deserve a second chance

Yes. I think we shouldn't blame the father too much, right? We are all guilty of something one way or the other.
Thank you for reading it through.

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