SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!

in Incredible India â€ĸ last month

🍁 Assalamualaikum🍁

My Dear Friends,
I am @rezaul-420 from 🇧🇩Bangladesh

  • SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!
  • 24, April ,2024
  • Wednesday

Hope everybody is doing well. By the grace of God, you are all well. I'm much better. Today I came to take the entry in the engagement contest. I found the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 Week 3 contests to be great. The contest run by Incredible India community is "Steemit Engagement Challenge S17-W3:SEC17/W3| Experiences come with age or circumstances!" Today I will present my opinion on this challenge by answering some of the questions....



How do you define maturity?

Maturity is a versatile concept that can be used in different contexts. In terms of emotional maturity, it refers to control, self-awareness, empathy and the ability to manage complex emotions. Mature people often take responsibility for their thoughts and emotions, deal with difficult situations in healthy ways, and are sensitive to others.

Physical maturity refers to the full development of the body. It usually occurs during adulthood, when the body stops growing and changing. Social maturity refers to the ability to understand and adhere to society's norms and expectations. It also includes developing and maintaining positive relationships with others, resolving conflicts, and contributing responsibly to society.


Intellectual maturity refers to the ability to understand and reason about complex concepts. It also includes the skills of problem solving, decision making and learning new things. Moral maturity refers to the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and to act according to moral principles. It also includes developing and maintaining strong moral values and treating others fairly and respectfully. Maturity is a continuous process that evolves over time. We learn and grow from various experiences in life, which help us become more mature individuals.

What do you believe experiences come with age or circumstances? Define.


Of course I think experience comes with both age and situation. Experience is the knowledge or skills we gain through interacting with ourselves and the world around us. They can come from many aspects of our lives, including our age, circumstances, lifestyle, culture, and extraordinary events. Experiences underpin our understanding of the world and determine how we communicate and interact with the world around us. As we grow older, we gain more experiences in life. We encounter different situations, learn new things and develop new skills to solve problems. These experiences underpin our understanding of the world as well as our understanding of ourselves. As we age, our bodies change. We lose energy, our senses become less effective and we may have health problems. These changes can affect how we experience and interact with the world.

Do you believe older people can also learn so many things from youth? Justify.

Yes, I believe that even older people can learn a lot from youth. In fact, I think that people of all ages can learn from each other and learning is important at every stage of life. What the elderly can learn from the youth.

  • New perspective
  • Technical skills
  • Creativity
  • Enthusiasm

New perspectives: Young people often see the world with new eyes, which can help older people challenge their own ideas and beliefs and think about new possibilities.

Technological skills: Young people grow up with technology and are often proficient in using new technologies. Older people can learn these skills from young people that can make their lives easier and help them stay connected.


Creativity: Young people are often more willing to take risks and try new things than older people. It can make them more creative and innovative. Older adults can learn these qualities from younger people to be more creative in their own lives.

Enthusiasm: Young people are often enthusiastic and have a positive outlook on life. This can motivate the elderly to be more positive and more involved in their own lives.

I believe that old and young can learn a lot from each other. With mutual respect and understanding, people of different ages can connect with each other and enrich each other's lives.

I hope everyone like & enjoys my post. I would like to invite @jesaf7, @venturabogarin @jennarg & @wyleska for join this beautiful contest.

Contest Link

Thank you so much for visit my post.I wish you all enjoy my post. I hope you all are inspire me in this platform #steemit.I want I do my best in this platform.



See you soon.

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

G.Dear I really enjoyed reading your presentation and it was very informative indeed experiences are a big part of age whatever it is experience requires age as we grow older we mature and experiences that Yes, they will become a part of our life as we pass time, we will become wiser but it also happens that when we reach our old age, the wisdom we have decreases, our nerves become weak. We don't have that earlier ability because what happens in our youth but the real experience is what we learn in our middle age, so some experience teaches us our time teaches us what people say, so age also plays a role in it. And people's behavior also plays a role in learning from experience

Thank you very much for reading my post carefully.

Greeting my friend, You're right that maturity comes with both age and circumstances but in my opinion i think circumstances have more impact then age, because through our mistakes and difficulties in life we learn alot and our personal growth are also improve by challenging these difficulties. Well, Overall your opinion is also very respectful for me.

Me parece muy interesante y acertado ese concepto o relaciÃŗn que planteas en el que indicas que la madurez es un proceso de evoluciÃŗn continuo y que, por lo general, no se llega a conseguir del todo.

Si a esta idea le agregamos los diferentes tipos de madurez, tu razonamiento toma mas fuerza. Ya que se puede ser bastante maduro en uno o mas aspectos y ser lo contrario en uno o mas de los existentes.

La diferencia de ideas y conceptos que estÃĄn enmarcados en las diferencia generacionales no debe ser motivos para la creaciÃŗn de conflictos intelectuales o filosÃŗficos.

Considero que hay que partir de una premisa bÃĄsica, Nadie posee la verdad absoluta. Es por ello que siempre podremos ser maestros y discípulos, indiferentemente al grupo que pertenezcamos.

Hasta la prÃŗxima...

 last month 

@rezaul-420 I appreciate how you have delved into various aspects of maturity from emotional and physical to intellectual and moral showcasing a deep understanding of human development. Your perspective on experiences acknowledging their influence from both age and circumstances is insightful. And your belief in intergenerational learning highlights the importance of mutual respect and understanding. Best of luck in the contest

Our world will have really been a better place to actually be if only the older can really be humble to learn from the younger ones and take necessary steps as it needs to be also. I am so sure of that

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