How to Find Your Path to Happiness

in #dlike5 years ago

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Things change over time. You used to do something before, now you do something else and that's acceptable in the society.

"Your great-great-grandmother thinks it's insane that you're wearing pants right now. ... But that's not what a lady does in her rules of you being a lady. But I think you are a lady."
-- Gary Vee

Our lifestyle also changes. The medium of communication changes. We used the telephone more before. Now we all have a cell phone. We are on social media.

Where people's attention is, business is there. You see advertisement and marketing on social media. For example, we are on Facebook to keep in touch with our friends. We spend a lot of time on Facebook. You will be surprised to know that there are companies that grow from 0 to 3 to 5 million dollars business based on Facebook advertising and marketing.

Whatever you do in life, if you are happy, that's all that matters. In this video, Gary Vee talked about his life, how he started his business and his current status, and what you think about entrepreneurship. Let's watch this video.