Indonesian Student Gala Football Event Officially Held, 12 Student Teams Taking Part.

in Steem Schools4 months ago


Indonesian Student Gala Football Event Officially Held, 12 Student Teams Taking Part.

A total of 12 Bireuen Junior High School (SMP) student teams representing 12 sub-districts, Monday (3/6/2024) took part in the football match at the Indonesian Student Gala held by the Bireuen Education and Culture Service (Disdikbud) Middle School division.

The 12 junior high school teams are from Peusangan Selatan, Peudada, Panjang, Peusangan, Peusangan Siblah Krueng, Juli, Kota Juang, Samalanga, Makmur, Gandapura, Kutablang and Jeumpa.

They will compete in a knockout system until Saturday (8/6/2024) on the football field in Geulanggang Kulam Village, Juang Bireuen City.

The competition for first place will represent Bireuen at the Aceh Province level which will be opened by the Head of the Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Muslim MSi.

Bireuen Secretary of Education and Culture, Zamzami, in his report said that the participants who took part in this activity were students in grades 1 and 2 of junior high school who were selected from the school and sub-district levels, then headed to the district level to take part in the Indonesian Student Gala.

It was explained that the school selected 18 players and registered the players online and 4 were officials. Then the sub-district selects registered schools to become sub-district teams by holding inter-school competitions.

The next stage, starting Monday (3/6/2024), the district will hold an inter-district tournament, which this year will involve 12 sub-districts taking part in a competition to be selected to find the best players and those selected will later become the district team to take part in the provincial level competition.

During the competition in Bireuen, the match was led by referees from the All Indonesian Football Association District Association (Askab - PSSI) Bireuen Regency.

Zamzami said the winners, first, second, third and fourth place winners, received trophies and coaching money. "The first winner will represent Bireuen at the Aceh provincial level," he said.

Kadisdikbud Bireuen, Muslim, when opening the competition, said that this activity is an opportunity for our children to show their achievements in the field of football.

"Young brothers and sisters are all required to be together, work together, control their emotions, don't fight because of playing football, so what you all show is achievement, the most important thing is whoever wins is the best, the winning team will be sent to Aceh Province," he said.




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