Focus on Christian civic engagement

in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Greetings and Blessings- Welcome to my blog!

My reflection today is based on the Christian's ethical commitment in the light of the Bible because of our role as Christians in life.

As Christians we absolutely believe in the authority of the scriptures as our manual for that reason we must submit to it in every area of ​​our life.

Each person has a scale of values ​​and acts through it, in the case of us Christians also have values ​​and criteria from the perspective of the moral order established by God.
It is for this reason that we must be Christians grounded in the word of God and instructed in the issues of today in order to affect the society in which we live.


God calls the church to the vocation of proclaiming all the advice of God with the authority of God Himself as good critical citizens and with a good apologetic in today's world. We have a civic commitment that must be carried out with a profitable balance between spiritual discernment, practical knowledge and active participation.

The greatest moral force that a Christian must have is embodied in the word of God and it must be the specific guide in the whole process of life.

In that sense, God's plan for us as civic citizens is that we be light and salt from the earth announcing the gospel to every creature and that we live for Him keeping all things.

Today we live very dangerous critical times where the Christian life plays an important role in society and it is here at this time that good decisions must be made and a well defined apologetic must be made making a difference since we are in an exceptional moment in history where the Current man wants to impose norms and change the course of the same nature in human creation.

Now the most important decision must be taken at this time or we decide to live as Christ taught us or we decided to live as the world does not impose them.

We certainly have a civic but Christian focus and commitment to act and defend our position with conviction before the world. We must exercise our vocation our mission and vision as a light of the world to positively influence a world convulsed by discord and evil.
God waits for us. He expects us to act with sanity firmly in what we have believed and in accordance with what is established in the Bible.He expects us to keep his word through values, principles and attitudes of citizenship.

Civics is part of the Christian moral doctrine, it is based on the development of the personality of man and on the recognition of human dignity and his fundamental rights.

Remember that the Christian's first civic duty is that we were called to be the light of the world and from the beginning God called man to govern and care for creation, but how are we going to do it? keeping the word of God in our actions, because the Bible is our textbook for civic action for all time.


Certainly in the Holy Scriptures we have the guidance of God that traces us the way forward in this convulsed world and calls us to be Light and Salt of the World taking the gospel of salvation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Nations. Thank you for sharing these teachings. Blessings.

This is @ brother @felixgarciap, thank you very much for your contribution to this reflection. A fraternal hug.

We must live what we preach. We are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Our shield of ethics is in the Word of God. DTB @ ricci01

Amen @jacobbendice, thank you very much for reading and for your input DTB

I find your publication very valuable. Citizen education of man must be strengthened with the principles of the word of God. Blessings

Amen sister @fany, thank you very much for commenting. A hug, blessings.

The Bible is the lamp that illuminates the life of each person. The antivalores are part of the darkness. We are the light of this world and we must act according to the instructions in the manual of God.

I like your publication Very uplifting and illustrates the path for citizen training. Blessings to you @ ricci01

Amen sister @kimbi09, God bless you powerfully, thank you very much for reading.

Blessings @ ricci01. I like your approach to citizen education. We need to strengthen our principles and values and the ideal is to do what God commands in his word.

Amen sister @johalys48, that is our greatest force "to obey", thank you very much for reading. A hug, blessings.

God bless you more @ ricci01. Important message.

Amen sister @carlis. Blessings, thank you very much for reading.

Society requires men and women with principles and values as God establishes in his divine law. Not men and women who call evil good and what they call evil. Thanks for sharing. DTB

Amen sister @ennimariana, thank you very much for your input. A hug. Blessings

Blessings little sister @ricci01, keep going.

God bless you, excellent post.