in HeartChurch3 years ago

In a world as hectic as today where all kinds of distraction are appreciated in all senses, people do not take into account the importance and benefits that the congregation can bring since most of the people nowadays give more meaning to the distractions the world offers them. However, for reflection I want to leave the following question with you. What benefits does coming together as a church bring?
To answer this question, it is first necessary to ask what does it mean to be in the house of God?


In the bible we find great testimonies of men of God who argued how important the congregation is; For example, for King David, God was his priority, God was everything for him, he was the foundation of everything he did therefore he felt in his heart to meet with other people who also felt the same way to worship him in spirit and true and went on to say the following:

Psalm 84:10
10 For one day is better in your courts than a thousand outside of them.
I would rather choose to be at the door of the house of my God,
Than to dwell in the abodes of wickedness.

David rejoiced when he went to the house of God to worship and praise him and his soul regenerated by submitting to his authority

In this sense, congregating brings the following benefits:
God's authority is recognized and we submit to him
We also recognize our fragility and the great mercy of God for us
In addition to seeking it with joy and sincere heart we receive: spiritual strength and protection, provision, understanding and wisdom and develop my gifts and talents

Many people believe that to believe in God it is not necessary to attend or meet as a church but the church is the greatest thing on earth after the holy spirit: The Lord Jesus Christ is the founder of the church and we meet to grow spiritually and give him all the glory to God in addition to receiving the biblical principles established in the bible to keep them and walk as children of light on this earth


It promotes the faith of every one member and gives life to those who were lost in the faith.

Aprendemos de nuestros hermanos mas maduros y realmente es gratificante estar juntos como la familia que somos