An Honest Look At Slavery

in #life5 years ago  

 We seem to live in a world driven by hypocrisy- the Climate Change Hoax, virtue signalling Social Justice Warriors, all out to either make a buck or get famous on social media... why should the rewriting of history be any different. Currently there are vociferous demands for reparations for slavery made by people that have never experienced anything close to slavery- only the prosperity of white America. Their demands are not only ludicrous, they underplay the fact that slavery still exists in the world- but they're so wrapped up in their own myopic selfishness that the victims of modern-day slavery go unnoticed. Current estimates show between 30 and 40 million slaves in the world today netting a profit annually of over $150 billion. 

 Facts, historical or otherwise, play almost no role when the left uses black slavery as a weapon to push "white guilt." Multiculturalists, being devoid of convincing arguments, use black slavery as a club to beat white people into submission. After clubbing by academia, media, and others, many whites have capitulated to the progressives’ guilt-preaching that has produced copious tears because of their cursed whiteness and white privilege. The fact is that the Founding Fathers all despised slavery on a moral and philosophical level, but at the time it was just an unfortunate fact of life. In many parts of the world it still is, but it's politically incorrect to criticize Islam, the number one perpetrator of modern-day slavery. 

 Facts can often be an inconvenient impediment when you're trying to push a certain agenda, so let's fill in a few blanks and try to remove some misconceptions surrounding slavery in America. First, not all slaves were black- in fact blacks were sometimes slave-owners themselves. Slavery was an economic, not a racial issue. Slaves were a method of getting work done and slaves from Africa, during the 17th and 18th centuries  were less expensive than slaves from elsewhere... the fact that they were black was purely coincidental. Another misconception that comes primarily from movies such as Roots was one where whites roamed through the jungles capturing slaves. Nothing could be further from the truth. All one had to do was pull a ship up to a pier and there were thousands of slaves that could be bought wholesale from Muslim traders who had bought them from tribal chiefs after wars. 

 Another misconception is that had it not been for slavery, America couldn't have evolved economically. Business will always look for the cheapest labor, but if there hadn't have been slaves, there would have still been progress. In fact by 1861 (the beginning of the US Civil War) slavery was on its way out... it was no longer economically feasible. After the 1807 moratorium on the importation of slaves, the price began to skyrocket (supply & demand). By 1861 the average price of a slave was $2500. Conversely, due to the Irish immigration after the Potato Famine, you could hire the Irish for pennies a day and they paid their own upkeep. Slavery was finished and everyone knew it. The problem was no longer about slavery, but what to do about 3 million unemployed blacks running around the countryside. But by this time slavery had become not only an economic issue, but a moral and emotional one as well. 

  Frankly, such unfair, untrue, and unfortunate “missionary” activity by progressives is demeaning to blacks and distorts the historical tragedy perpetrated by depraved white slavers, degenerate black chiefs, and desperate settlers in America and other areas of the world. Black slavery is a scandal, a scab, and a scar on the face of America and we must never permit it to be mistaken, muddled, or mitigated; however, with the fanatics in the media, a balanced narrative is unlikely to happen.  

 Honest white people are willing to say, “Okay, I’m embarrassed that white people were involved in such an obscene practice; but no living American slaves exist, nor do any slaveowners, nor do any of the ship captains. So can we tone it down a few notches?” But the whiners, like all fanatics who only have one message, refuse to stop talking about it. Like a bulldog with a tasty, meaty bone, they won’t let go.  

 But nobody alive today in America has ever owned a slave, nor have any of the modern "victims" of American slavery ever been slaves. This is about opportunism and nothing more. If it hadn't been for white people slavery would likely still exist. Moreover, who's going to compensate the white families whose ancestors died abolishing this blight on society... did they deserve to die? It's fairly certain that the hypocrites pushing for reparations would argue, yes. 

  The zealots in the media refuse to speak of the few southern farmers who owned slaves, and the few ship captains who transported slaves, and the few chiefs who sold their own people. They insist on collective guilt, demanding that all whites wallow in shame and never look any decent person in the eyes and feel like the scum of the earth for being white.  

 My ancestors were still toiling away in the sulphur mines of Sicily while slavery was going on in America... how much do I owe in reparations? I'd be perfectly willing to pay for all the slaves my family owned... providing that I in turn am compensated for the maltreatment that Italians got when they arrived in America. The point is that nearly all nationalities were mistreated at one time or another... where does it end? The truth about slavery in America hardly matches up with the hyperbole. 

  A look into the past is instructive.  According to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, 12.5 million African slaves were shipped to the New World between 1525 and 1866, and 10.7 million (about 86 percent) survived the trip.  Of these, only 450,000 (about 4 percent of the total) were sent to America.  The rest were shipped to South America and the Caribbean.  Brazil alone received 4.9 million.  Why are there no calls for reparations in Brazil?  And the black slave trade to the West pales in comparison to the white and black slave trade conducted by Muslim nations of Africa and the Middle East in its barbarity and numbers.  

 Yet somehow all of the countries that also participated in the American slave trade have been able to move on. It's only in the US (which had the least number of slaves) that reparations is an issue. The reason is that cynical Democrats believe that they can use it to keep blacks on the "plantation" voting Democratic over and over again. But American blacks are beginning to wake up and promises of "free shit" are beginning to fall on deaf ears. Black Americans want what other Americans want- opportunities rather than empty promises and meager handouts. 

 Since their dishonest, dishonorable, and disgraceful ploy will not work, I suggest the do-gooders (as opposed to those who do good) turn their efforts elsewhere -- for example, to the actual slavery existing throughout the world. They should do something lasting rather than preach an empty message for financial gain and personal influence.  If the fanatic slavery whiners really do care about slavery, they can do something about the overt slavery in Mali, where at least 200,000 people are held in direct servitude. In March 2002, French television channel TF1 reported how about 15,000 children were abducted from Mali and sold as slaves to work the cotton plantations in the Ivory Coast.  

 Where's the United Nations and their Human Rights Council? They seem strangely silent on the subject, except that some of the members include the worst offenders such as Cuba, Congo and Afghanistan. In the Muslim world, that has evolved very little since the Middle Ages, slavery is still a very popular method of getting work done, not to mention human trafficking is one of the most lucrative black market operations in existence. 

  The much larger and infinitely more barbaric Muslim slave trade began in about 711, capturing both whites and blacks in numbers much higher than those taken by the West, and Muslim slave-traders provided over 80 percent of those black slaves sold to the West.  Of the slaves captured by Muslims for their own use, 80 to 90 percent died on the way to market.  Of those shipped to North Africa for sale to Western slavers, about 30–50 percent died en route.  Males slated for Muslim markets were castrated.  Only 25 percent survived the operation.  Their descendants in those nations are much smaller in number because most male African slaves were used as eunuchs and worked to death.  Estimates of total black enslavement in Muslim nations range from 11 million to 32 million.  Given the high mortality rate of capture and transport, the impact on black African tribes must have been genocidal.  

 But you never hear about this from virtue signalling liberals, they only white guilt. The truth about slavery in America is this: 

  The Left media ignore all this.  They would have you believe we are constantly on the cusp of reverting to the days of Jim Crow.  Slavery in America ended with the Civil War, which cost more American lives than any other war in U.S. history.  With the complete dismantling of postwar discriminatory practices by 1964, and continual efforts to boost the affluence of minorities, talk of slavery and reparations should be a thing of the distant past, but a race-hustling industry has kept it alive by misinforming successive generations of students and indoctrinating minorities to hate everything American, while (mostly white) leftists constantly agitate to sow and inflame racial division.  

 Before the late 1960's when the Democrats started pimping blacks for their votes, they were not only the founders of the KKK, but voted against every civil rights bill including the Civil Rights Act of 1964... as a block, with not one Democrat voting in favor. The Democrats have always been the party of slavery and that continues to this day, the only difference being that after slavery was abolished they has to find a new method of enslavement. Welfare acts that have prevented upward mobility in the black community and the destruction of the black family are just two of these methods. Prior to the "Great Society" programs of the 1960's, the black family was perhaps the strongest social unit in America- it survived slavery, but not the "generosity" of the Democrats. They even employ black turncoats such as Barack Obama (half white) as Judas Goats to keep blacks on their expansive plantation. It's no wonder that they have such an affinity to Islam, both are behind human trafficking and modern-day slavery. 

  The much larger and infinitely more barbaric Muslim slave trade began in about 711, capturing both whites and blacks in numbers much higher than those taken by the West, and Muslim slave-traders provided over 80 percent of those black slaves sold to the West.  Of the slaves captured by Muslims for their own use, 80 to 90 percent died on the way to market.  Of those shipped to North Africa for sale to Western slavers, about 30–50 percent died en route.  Males slated for Muslim markets were castrated.  Only 25 percent survived the operation.  Their descendants in those nations are much smaller in number because most male African slaves were used as eunuchs and worked to death.  Estimates of total black enslavement in Muslim nations range from 11 million to 32 million.  Given the high mortality rate of capture and transport, the impact on black African tribes must have been genocidal.  

 But the left only focuses on the black slave trade from the 17th and 18th centuries, they completely ignore over 1200 years of this barbaric practice because it doesn't fit their narrative... any leftist you talk to will vociferously deny that the slave trade is still going on to this day. The hypocrisy is perhaps nowhere more evident than with black leaders such as Louis Farrakhan and the "Rev." Al Sharpton. 

  Famous black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan excoriates America for our history of slavery, but despite repeated calls to take action against Muslim nations that continue to enslave both black and white, Farrakhan has remained totally silent, as have Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton — despite Sharpton witnessing slavery in Sudan firsthand.  Former President Obama, seen in a recently discovered 2005 photo with Louis Farrakhan, hasn't made a peep.  Why not?  Because they're hypocrites, race pimps that are making a fortune off of white guilt. If anyone should be paying reparations for slavery it's Islam.  Where are the complaints over Middle East and African slave trading that continued legally until 2007, and still continues illegally in that part of the world?  Where are the hooded Antifa goons, smashing windows and heads and firebombing autos and buildings in protest of "Islamic supremacy" and "Muslim nationalism"?  

 George Soros and the other string-pullers aren't paying them to protest Islam. In Islam, ANTI-fa and other useful idiots the globalist elites have found willing accomplices in destroying white culture.  The great humanitarian impulse to end slavery, from the late eighteenth century onwards, came entirely from the Christian West, and by the mid-nineteenth century it was stamped out completely in most Christian lands. That slavery no longer exists (officially at least) in the majority of Muslim territories is due entirely to the efforts of Westerners, and in fact Muslim societies vigorously resisted all attempts by Europeans to stamp out the slave trade in Africa during the nineteenth and early twentieth century.  It was not in until the second half of the twentieth century that slavery was finally abolished in the Gulf States and the Arabian Peninsula — after intense Western pressure.  Is it not about time that some of this information got through to students in our schools and colleges?  

 To the left, slavery is just another way to divide society, pitting white against black over issues that were settled in America over a century ago. In eight years Barack Obama almost undid 50 years of civil rights work. All the Democrats have to offer is hate, another reason they get along so well with Islam, "the religion of peace." They use agitprop in movies and music to sow the seeds of discord. Netflix has hired Obama and his husband to do a series which will only drive a bigger wedge between blacks and whites. The Democrats will stop at nothing to further their eugenics experiment... all aimed at keeping blacks subservient- just as they were in the first half of the 19th century. Slavery comes in many forms and has always been with us- something that is unlikely to change anytime soon. 

Does withholding the fact that someone is a slave make them any less a slave? Or put another way, do you have to inform someone that they're a slave to "officially" make them s slave? Isn't keeping a population in a condition of servitude paying substandard wages the same as slavery? There's a cogent argument that slavery still exists the world over, we simply call them something else now- workers. My question is what exactly qualifies slavery? I think that slavery really isn't the issue here but how we treat one another as human beings. It's preferable to be a "slave" and treated decently, with respect than to be a worker and treated as a "slave." Islam fails on both counts.  


You conclude on a factual and cogent note, which I appreciate and have come to expect from your posts.

"...nobody alive today in America has ever owned a slave, nor have any of the modern "victims" of American slavery ever been slaves."

I have been held captive in slavery for years in America. The fact that I exist - and am not alone by a long shot - proves your statement above false.

"The 13th Amendment states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States..."


As you can read, the Thirteenth Amendment did not abolish slavery absolutely, and this exception is thoroughly abused presently. All prisoners in America are legally slaves, and compelled to labor against their will. This number of slaves is currently above two million persons today.

Slavery is a crime against humanity, and is currently SOP in these United States. Whatever else you believe about freedom, it is time to acknowledge the fact that the regional and federal jurisdictions in America claim the right and power to enslave free people, and do in fact coerce people into slavery daily. It is time to end this barbaric practice, that rational self government be possible to our free people.


I might point out that, if We count the wage slaves - all Those who plug Their energy in for tokens (money) in ways that enrich corporations who allow Them to worry about the feeding, clothing, and sheltering with those token rather than having to worry about it as direct slavery masters might, and who are not doing what They love to do, statistically speaking, ALL of Us are slaves.

When We must plug Our energy into a system in ways that do not fulfill Our potential, are not what We love to do, that remove Us from Our dreams, just to survive, then We are surely slaves.

Yet We can solve for that.