Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 40: My Worst Highschool Experience.

in Steem4Nigerialast month (edited)


Gooday FLOKS.

How are you all doing, I hope all are moving fine and great, Well am so happy to participate in this wonderful contest and to send my regards to this amazing community for hosting such an interesting contest for a better Engagement. Well High school life is really fully with ups and down, and to complicating, Below I will be giving a better knowledge about this great topic, and I believe it will definitely stand to impact knowledge to many users. Let's go....

Give us a brief introduction of your school, the name, location and why it stands out in your location.

In a brief introduction, My High school name is UNIQUE CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL, located at number 12/11 Umukama Road Aba, Abia state. Well as God may have it am done with my high educational level, but still looking forward to further the more into the university. Well I must say that this school stand to be one of the best school in my locality, having educated and God-fearing teacher, orderliness and discipline as a routine, making sure students are well mannered and educated and have also stand in building educational gaint in May students background.


Well, my high school, as I could remember has a big Environment for football game and also for any sports, it has a good learning and condusive Environment and also a well decent, educated and also well-behaved teachers, school are also well dressed and stand to won in many competition. Well my school as many criteria why is the best and why it stand out in our locality, looking at some of the criteria the Include the following.

  • Condusive Environment for learning
  • Well behaved and educated teachers
  • Building good educational background in students life.
  • Orderliness and discipline is the key.
  • Has good facilities for learning.
  • And many more.


I was the SENIOR PREFECT while I was still in this school and indeed my tenor was really a great one. This school has everything a school needs to have and stand to be the best In my locality.

Share with us your worst high school experience.

Well, my worst high school experience was when I was writing my wace(west Africa examination), Well it should be on Thursday morning and we had about two subject to write which was government and Crs, Well after writing the first paper which was Government, it ended by 12 noon, and everyone was happy, but the worst thing happened to me. As we were done with the first paper waiting for the second paper which will start by 1:30pm. I took an excuses from the principal of the school telling him that I back soon.


Well, as I was granted the permission I took off, Hoping that before 1 hour I will be back, but the worst thing happened to be. According to my classmates it was being said that the invigilator incharged of the second paper came in as few minutes immediately I left the school for permission, and as soon as she arrived the examination started. Indeed this was the worst experience ever in myself. The started the examination which will last for 2 hour's and I came after 1 hours was exhausted.


Well, as I came into the Hall, all were seriously writing the examination and I was totally confused, the worst part was that the invigilator insisted that I will not joined them, because I left the school why an examination was going on. As this point I really cried while begging her, but she insisted, the principal of the school as came and beg on my bahalf still she insisted. I cried out my eyes that faithful day and I was seriously in pains. So i watched them in pains and sorrows write there exam still time was up, the madam collected all the paper and set to move. At the point I felt on her knees and started crying and begging for forgiveness. But thank God she gave me a chance, she said that I will write the examination all alone only me in the hall and my time will be reduced to 1 hour no more two hours. I was a bit happy and started writing.

Well, already CRS is my best subject and I read everywhere at home, meeting the question it seems to be more simple as I taught, I wasn't done after the 1 hours but she added more 30 minutes, before the extra 30 minutes was done I passed my paper to her and thank her so much, while the results came out I score A1 on that particular subject I wrote with more attention and well this experience was really bad and I pray that no one will experience such bad moment in his or her life. It was really my worst experience while in Highschool.

Was there any lesson learnt, kindly share with us.

Indeed I learnt so many lessons from the bad experience of mine, the lessons include the following.


  • Never you work AWAY while examination are going on.
  • Always do the right thing at the right time
  • Do not consider unnecessary permission at an important time.
  • Always organize yourself and focus on one appointment before considering the other.
  • Know how to beg for forgiveness
  • And finally believe In yourself.

Thanks for going through this Content I really appreciate.

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