Visit a Small Under Pass Bridge

in DTubelast year

*Hello everyone
Few Days ago I was visit A small under pass bridge . its was located is a village . you know that its very rear in our country. Small river and a canal cross by this river . so its make small canal by bridge on this river and this bridge carry water not human . this is a unique way to cross river and canal in our country .

This canal water use for shedding croup fields in our country . you know its winter season . pond rivers are dry . so this canal use to carry water for crop fields . this canal get water from far river . where making a dam to store water and caring this by this canal to shedding crops in winter season.

I Was just crossing this place so I am thinking to make a video . because many of us didn’t see this place before . I hope you like this place and learn some thing about this

Thanks for your time

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