Photography of macro lens #144 | A small wasp in the weeds.
Hello friends all ... !!!
May you always be healthy and happy wherever you are. On this occasion I will share some pictures of the wasp insects. Hope you guys like it.
The wasp insect I found this time has a very small size and is also black. They perched on the grass that grew in front of the house where I live.
I'm having a little difficulty in the shooting process. Because these wasp insects in addition to small size also has the ability to fly very quickly. After waiting till he calmed down, I managed to get some shot shots using my camera phone from a very close distance.
Camera smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4x + macro lens.
Thanks for the support and keep following me @rizasukma.
Never give up! Good work persevering until you got the shots!
I try to get the right shots though sometimes I often fail. Because they've flown first. Thank you for your support @mweich. 😊👍
Until we can tell the bugs how we want them to pose; we'll just have to be patient and keep on trying!
Yes I will try even better in the future. Thanks for the great support @mweich. 😊😊
Very beautiful insect and nice pattern :)
Thank you for your visit @hanen. 😊
Nice shot.. Gagah that hie jih bg @rizasukma..
Terima kasih atas dukungannya bang @zamzamiali. 😊
Get sama-sama
Excellent photos. Are you sure it's a wasp and not a bee? It looks rather like a small North American pollinator called an orchard mason bee.
Yes I am wrong. Looks like he is a small bee. Also serves as a natural pollinator. Thank you for your support @custone. 😊👍
It's amazing his picture
Thank you my friend 😊.
your welcome.
Your clicking finger, your phone and your lens work wonderfully together my friend.
What a perfect shooting, I enjoyed very much 👍
Hehehe Thank you very much for your support. I am very happy if you can enjoy it. May always come and give me support. Thank you @melip.
Detail bangettt.. 👍👍
Terima kasih @irasiregar. 😊
Ka lalat lom, memang sep bereh asun dro kuh... Hehe
Hehehe.. Sang linot nyan bang @suhaimiaceh. 😊
Saya salut dan patut di contohi Adinda yang satu ini, Konsisten di Macro Phography, luar biasa semoga sukses selalu dan Salam KSI Oke, Terimakasih @rizasukma.
Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya dan saya juga sangat salut kepada aduen @ilyasismail yang selalu membagikan tulisan yang mengandung ilmu kepada kami semua. Selalu konsisten dalam kedamaian. Salam KSI. 😊👍
spesialist makro emng nih bang @rizasukma. mantap
Saya masih dalam proses belajar @razipelangi. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya. Salam KSI. 😊😊👍
sama-sama bang, salam KSI 😊