Day 2 -Steemit School Poetry Challenge ( Separation of love)
my pain goes through
which never stops
keep on you destroy it
this feelings you play
Where are you who love me
I'll go
If you are reluctant to vote
My love is not like
Your stopover
This is pain
The pain I had feared
Wishing I had not touched her
Although I ended up getting hurt too
My cheerfulness has now faded
not in the least thought
if all this will happen
this is an unexpected farewell
Now you're no
Perih kumenjalani
yang tak pernah berhenti
terus kau sakiti
Perasaan ini kau bodohi
Dimana dirimu yang mencintaiku
sepenuh hati
Aku yang akan pergi
Bila kau enggan memilih
Cintaku ini bukan seperti
Tempat persinggahanmu
Inilah rasa sakit
Rasa sakit yang dulu kutakutkan
Berharap agar aku tak menyentuhnya
Meski akhirnya aku terluka juga
ceria ku kini telah pudar
tak sedikit pun terlintas dalam pikiran
kalau semua ini akan terjadi
ini adalah perpisahan yang tak diharapkan
Kini kau bukan lagi milikku
kini kau telah berada di tempat yang jauh lebih baik.
this is my second poem in steemitschoolpoetry.
I am a novice in writing poetry.
I am very grateful to a great writer of @d-pend and steemitschool. for having accepted me as a participant of the 100-day challenge of poetry.
Thank you for reading a poem from a beginner like me, I know my poetry is still a lot of shortcomings, so from there I try to learn better again, from great poetry writer.
thank you
Link to contest page ...
Join the steemit school on discord
A heartfelt thank you to those at the Steemit School for hosting the challenge:)
Great poem. I especially liked how you structured your stanzas.
Thanks you
Just keep at it my friend... you will get better and better every day... I liked this piece and can see your potential for progress... Just keep on keeping on!
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
thank you for your support, hope good day always take you friend.
Thank you and the same to you... no need to thank me for the support... it's my pleasure, so I thank you :D
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
Separation of love...interesting keep it up friend.
thank you for your support, I will try even better.
Awesome... and I'll be learning more from you... 😀
it is excessive, it should be me who needs to learn from you..😀
Careful.. 😂 ok..we both learn from each other
good luck friends.
we both will win this contest.
Please, next time only one poem on Friday :) thank you
I apologize for my ignorance.
next time i will write 1 poem on friday.
thank you for notifying me