Tenggiri woku belanga <==

in #steemit6 years ago

==> Tenggiri woku belanga <==

10 fillets of mackerel (approx. 1kg)
1 tbsp lemon juice
6 lbr orange leaves
1 lbr leaf pandan sobek2 bunch
1 pcs of tomatoes, cut into pieces
1 lbr of young turmeric leaves sliced
3 btg of roughly sliced leek
1 btg lemongrass digeprek
15 btr whole cayenne pepper
banana leaf straw
to taste salt, sugar, water
10 btr onion
4 cloves garlic
5 pcs red curly peppers
20 btr of cayenne pepper
1/2 thumbs of ginger
a bit of turmeric

Wash fish, balm dg lemon and salt. Set aside

Sauteed fine spices, lemongrass, lime leaves, turmeric leaves, spring onions, pandan leaves, whole chilies until fragrant and not langu

Enter the fish. Stir well

Add tomatoes, salt, sugar and water to taste

Cook until the spices soak and the water shrinks. Taste. Approach enter basil. Stir. Lift. Serve

My woku fish is ripe. Sedaaapnya ... pedees asem2 segeer ban

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