The 10 BIG Benefits that Fruit Brings to Humanity

in #fruitarian7 years ago

There is something amazing about fruit. Its taste is pleasurable, its smell is delightful (usually), and the sight of a plump and juicy treasure of fruit is highly attractive. Our eyes were made to notice this stuff! At least when it comes to the science, anatomy, and ethics, fruit does amazing things for our body and the earth.

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Here's a brief overview of roughly 10 things that fruit does for humanity and its Mother Earth.

1. Entirely Sustainable for Humanity and the Earth.

You eat the fruit and then receive everything necessary for your body--yes, everything necessary through eating! Afterwards you will spit out the seeds. The seeds may also be excreted when you go to the bathroom. In return for that tasty fruit meal, you help the plant reproduce life in another area. This brings about more trees and an ever expanding peaceful environment.

2. No need for bottled water or water purification.

The water from fruit is structured and "energetically balanced" for intracellular hydration. This is very cleansing to the body, and it completely eradicates the need for bottled water. In fact, bottled water--including other purified water--are practically useless to the body in comparison to fruit water.

3. Zero waste

You cannot pollute the earth with the remains of fruit. The "waste" turns to dirt.

4. More trees

As mentioned above, the fruit turns into more trees, more share, and more health for Mother Nature. When I think about throwing a banana peel on the ground, I also think about the time where someone told me not to throw my trash on the ground. I responded, "This is undoing the trash that was thrown onto the earth." The person was referring to my banana peel as "trash", and I was referring to the street's asphalt as "trash".

5. Food. Is. FREE.

Fruit trees are abundant, and the fruits that come from the tree are entirely abundant. It's free from the earth.

6. No dishes to clean :) if so, only water is necessary!

No forks necessary, no knives necessary... no spoons, dishes, etc.

7. Optimal health benefits – you get everything your body needs, without a lack in anything else! – The water source is perfectly structured for intracellular hydration.

Part of this was already stated before. When it comes to the nutritional side of fruits, almost all fruits are complete for the human species. Almost all fruits contain all essential amino acids, all conditional amino acids, perfect water for hydration, all necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements, healing vibrations, etc. There is too much to categorize and list, and the fact is known that people who eat on a fruit diet thrive on the fruit diet. Their muscle growth is quick (i.e. Mike Vlasaty), their sports performances reach their ultimate personal bests (i.e. Michael Arnstein), and they experience basically everything supreme about their physical selves.

8. Save a lot of money

Don't allow yourself to be ripped off by popular grocery stores with crappy produce: find a local farmers market or a grocery store that prides itself on excellent produce. Buy in bulk and eat the fruits which have ripened first.

9. Eating out is SIMPLE, and less necessary :)

When eating out with friends, I typically order a salad with only the raw fruits and veggies, ask them to double the order size, and ask the server if they can put 1 avocado in there. When I am not eating out, I really don't have much desire to eat out. It's all crap food, and we all begin to realize this as the fruits clear up our thinking body.

10. Cleaning dishes is EASY: no need for forks, knives, soaps, sponges, etc.

Furthermore, there's no need for soaps, sponges, etc. when eating fruit meals.

Useful Illustration

There is an illustration being passed around the internet that is very similar to this; however, it is more brief and to the point to show that the human species is a fruit-eating species. Here's the illustration with more detailed points:



Hey another great post. I've started following you. I am vegan/fruitarian myself. Started off with being vegetarian, then vegan then mucusless (fruitarian). That even motivated me to invest in land and farming and produce my own food basically for free. There are much more benefits then the 10 you've listed, but it all comes down to one common denominator - superior health when living in accordance with nature :)
If you are interested check out my most recent post and get to know me and what am about :

Awesome!!! This is awesome what you have done!!! You're so right, and what has happened to you is what I have also experienced. I truly believe man's job on earth--just like the bees or ants--is to plant more trees and help out with the earth life. Potatoes tho? Chat soon:)

Thanks, many of us are waking up to those truths, and I am glad that steemit is full with like minded people.

This is very true... STEEM has people with the mind of the future :)

great so true

VERY interesting! I think about the beginning according to the Bible humans were created in the garden of eden and basically told to eat fruits for food. Also, another interesting (potentially related) angle is to think about the spiritual aspect or reflection of the natural fruits being the fruit of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I wonder if humanity's straying from natural food (fruits) could be a reflection of their lack of spiritual fruits? Thanks for the article!

at this point, i believe that we are all still living in the Garden of Eden--this is the Earth itself. However, we have all lost the ability to sense that we are in this garden. Cooking our food is the sinful mistake that is confused and grossly misinterpreted as "eating from the tree of knowledge", and it is the reason why we lost this ability to sense the garden. Those are my ever-changing thoughts as they exist today :D

VERY interesting! I have had many (ever-changing) thoughts about these types of topics myself and I find your viewpoints bearing common themes as I've discovered...
For example, what if the EARTH is really symbolic of our HEART? If the earth is screwed up, then that is only a reflection of our hearts being screwed up :P
I've heard and experienced that it is possible to not need food/water to survive. What if the "food" we really crave is spiritual food not natural food? If we fill ourselves with spiritual understanding, then we won't be hungry for natural food. Even Jesus said "I have food that you know not of and My meat is to do the Father's will" I believe the things we observe and feel in the natural are only a reflection of the reality in the spiritual realm. Most of what we do and react to and desire is driven by our natural understanding which leaves us like a dog chasing his tail. But if we can understand spiritual things, then we can rightly interpret any situation and create the change we want/need.
Anyway, all the best.
Fruit On buddy!

I'd say there is nothing more truthful than the earth is our heart. My souce for this are the advanced ideas floating around in humanity such as this universe being a holographic universe "projected" by our hearts ... and the tiny space in the heart being much like the schwarzschild proton: holds all the information in the universe--just like the "center" of the earth (whether imagined or directly experienced) brings you to the whole universe. These are quick words :) enjoy, and thank you for sharing!

very informative post , fruits are obviously beneficial for health...
upvoted and followed,

sooooo happy you enjoy:)

I love being a raw vegan. I've only been raw for a few weeks but noticed a lot of the benefits you noted

Congrats!! keep yourself inspired! :D

Were you trying for ASMR or was that just a side effect? :) love fruit it's 50% of my diet!

Hi! what is "ASMR"? i'm so happy to hear that more and more people are making fruit a big part of their life :) <3