
Interesting read. I agree with much and disagree with some.

Regarding "porn", I think you are just off base. You can read my detailed thoughts on the subject here: However, in the meantime, I would challenge a couple of your contentions here. First, with coming filtering, nobody who doesn't want to see "porn" on Steemit will be forced to endure it, or at least they rarely will. NSFW content will be "opt in" or "opt out"--as easy as clicking a button. People who don't tag their content appropriately will be downvoted to oblivion.

Second, the idea that serious people with serious money will steer clear of anything involving porn is just misguided--twitter is filled with porn for those who look for it. Tumblr is filled with porn for those who look for it. HBO and Showtime (and the cable networks that carry them) are filled with porn, or soft-core porn at least.

It's naive and unhelpful to think that porn won't be an important part of steems' growth, just as it has been for every new technology--from VCRs to DVDs to the Internet to Bitcoin to Virtual Reality, etc.

Hello @rok-sivante first of all congratulations fot the post. I think you really did a good job.

I already felt that the communication should be a bit easier to understand. There is a lot of people who like the project but don´t know where the money comes from, the concept of cryptocurrencies, blockchain, financial concepts even they want to learn and tried to read the whitepaper.

That´s the reason why i started creating this serie of infographics. now i only created 2 but my intention is explaining the whole project in the easiest way .

Part 1:
Part 2:

It would be great to have your opinion. Between all the community we could help to expand the Steemit project

These look great, Amin! :-)

#4, and STEEM Power interest rate being 400% (so power downs will create tremendous sell pressure) will likely kill off this project fast if not corrected. I do hope I'm wrong, just saying. Other than that, it's a great platform from what I've seen. I hope it survives and flourishes.

Your article contains many thoughtful suggestions and I hope it will provoke discussion in these areas. I don't agree with you on all of them, but plenty of good ideas here!

This is a very valuable analysis. Really well done.

Now, each of these - and other social media platforms - could each implement their own cryptocurrency and rewards model similar to what Steemit has done.

This won't be so easy for them. Apart from having a very unique economic model, Steem has a big competitive advantage: a new user can enter the ecosystem without the necessity to buy any tokens. Those platforms you mention would need to have at their disposal a blockchain technology as advanced as Graphene to be able to truly compete with Steem. This won't happen anytime soon.

If there's no "censorship" on porn - are we going to ask investors to accept that it's ok if we allow their funds to support the creation of our digital currency that we don't set restrictions on from being used to support rape, child molestation, or any other form of physical & sexual violence, violation of human rights, or clearly immoral degradation of character?

I disagree with you on porn. What exactly is immoral with porn?

Anything that people produce and are willing to read or watch should be accepted by the Steem blockchain. If Steemit (the website) starts censoring porn (or anything else), somebody will create another Steem-based website which will embrace it. And all those websites will be part of the same ecosystem.

The solution is simple: if you think anything on the Steem blockchain is immoral, just use a user interface that hides this stuff from you. Actually, this situation means that Steem has a very big advantage over legacy systems: as long as they are centralized, they will never be able to offer such a freedom of choice within one ecosystem.

Damn this was good. You bring up a lot of valid points. I'm going to start making some videos and infographics that simplify the process for users. I think this is one area where I can really contribute ( after I fully grasp it all). The adding of filters is a wise move. I'm not for censorship but I don't want my young daughter and other super young people to be assaulted with porn. That just seems like a Terrible idea.
I think a filter would solve my fears about this, partially anyway. I still dislike the idea of it becoming full of filth.
The filter would have to be really strong and hide areas and posts. Otherwise, I think this site won't ever become mainstream and balanced. Mothers won't be participating and a huge part of soicety will stay away.
I'm going to push for the option of filters.

I 100% agree. I know I don't wanna see some things and I'm sure some things I wanna see others don't, so definitely creating the ability for users and parents of users to censor and filter the material being viewed is an excellent option. I don't wanna take away anyone else's rights but I want the ability to tweak mine if I so choose.

It appears that we can come to agree with rational discussion. This is significant.

That's awesome, I noticed we got off on the wrong foot because of an ignorant comment I made and that's not what I wanted at all. Especially after I've read and very much enjoyed the posts of yours I've seen, I wanted an attempt to rectify it and show you I'm a decent human being and not an asshole. Thank you for that.

Also that totally is significant right? Truly if two people on opposite ends of the spectrum can come to a rational agreement working together then there should still be hope for this world lol.

Yes I think the philosophy can have a real strong effect. It makes me really aware of just how shitty Facebook is. These philosophical underpinnings make a difference

@rok-Sivante This article , your thoughts are damn good and should be rewarded with thousands ! I reply from my phone hoping I'm not messing up . Just kidding but I seem to think twice before I reply . You inspired me to write something How I feel after 1 week getting STEEMED !
I cannot believe , I did not even see you posted it . The swebsite system Sux ! How come I overlook so many good posts and don't know where or how to find them later again . What's up with the search and follow options anyways ? Steemit really needs to change many things for the NOT so tech savy women like me to make it more friendly and inviting to stay on daily . Who are all those "names" without any kind of face icon, colour or whatever . I liked FB much better for that reason . Light entertainment ! Posting is easy ! I wish Zuckerman would reward us . Hehee , you might all hate me now . Oh well , after one week sucking it all in and if I do so I am extreme on sleepless nights , I am mostly confused , feeling drained . Somehow I believe I MUST chase hot , trending posts to collect some S-POWER instead reading topics of my interest and keep my focus on writing . On top of all I have to spend tons of time to even format my posts , uploading photos again on another site. Yesterday I spent hours to figure out what to do with a video . At the end I had to put a link . I am interested in improving quality and value for myself . Its impossible to keep up with the speed and that's ok though . I am not happy that I have no option to delete or correct my posts after pay out . I made mistakes a few times and see it now but locked out . Let me damn change my posts , maybe even delete some . This whole site has too many flaws and needs changes urgently to keep people ! Your posts and a few others make a huge difference to understand and learn but unfortunately My vote will give you only a few cents . I am a little Mamafish watching whales and dolphins only in Mentigi Bay :) as you might have seen in my 00.0000 posts . I really don't give a damn and you know me , I mean it , if any of those witnesses like me or not . I want honest Upvotes NS comments and like people because of their content . 84 people should be a value of 84 whatever power ! Who are those whales anyways ?? Why do I even have to look up some richlist and follow them as somebody suggested ? I am glad I found one I like at least because of her stories she tells . That's just BS that a few are superior in their power but I guess that's the technical blockchain technology , the part I don't understand at all , yet .

Somehow I feel this site was created as a campaigne getting votes for Bernie Saunders anyways . Kind of over him ! Hahaa !

I miss more jokes , all looks really too serious for me for now .

I never saw porn yet ! I Hate it and will write about why I do . It would
Be immoral to see daughters sucking somebody's dick on steemit ! ?!
Come on guys ! Have your town first ! Certain things still should be hidden and the shallow comment I got "boys will be boys" very boring ! I might be old school but love my grandmothers advice that I should keep some secrets !
Anyways Rok , nice job ! always !
See you at the beach hopefully soon but I have to catch up on work again . I spent too much time on steem !

Simply Great Information and Presentation

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