Step by Step Video Tutorial: How To Create eBooks with clickable TOC using Calibre

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Contribution to Open Source Project - Calibre Software

Calibre is an ebook device that allows users to view, to edit and catalogue their ebooks in different ebook formats. This software runs on Linux, Windows and OSX.


Many people use Calbre software as a reader because that is the only way they know how to use the Calibre software. For this purpose, Calibre software allows users to manage their ebooks in a very efficient way according to categories and themes.

Powerful Software for ebook users

-- Save time on managing your e-book collection
-- Use it everywhere and with anything
-- Comprehensive e-book viewer
-- Download news/magazines from the web
-- Share and backup your library easily
-- Edit the books in your collection
--Satisfy every e-book need and get support

Calibre - More than Just a Reader to Manage your ebooks

Calibre is actually an open source software for authors to to create ebooks in either .mobi format or .epub format. Many users are not aware of this.

This means that the software is NOT limited to just reading books and organizing your ebooks.

You can use this software to create wonderful ebooks and share with the world by uploading them onto the Amazon Kindle platform, Apple, Nook, D2D, Barnes and Nobles, Tolino, Over Drive, Kobo etc. This is really good news for authors who want to make their books available for people globally to read their work on kindle readers or epub readers.

Platforms Rules

Often these platform sites require that you upload your documents in:

  1. Html files
  2. A Clickable Table of Contents

If you do not follow these rules, your books don't get approved on these platforms.

Problems with many ePub Authors

Many authors do NOT know how to turn their ebooks into a formattable CLICKABLE Table of Contents. So their ebooks remain hidden in their computers for years.

When you don't have a clickable Table of Contents, your ebooks will not be approved by these ebook platforms. With a clickable Table of Contents, readers can browse through their entire book easily from beginning to end.

So for this purpose, I want to create this video tutorials for authors who want to turn their formatted books with clickable Table of Contents using the software Calibre.

TUTORIAL STEPS - How you can use Calibre to create CLICKABLE Table of Contents.

5 Easy Steps!

Step 1: Install software

Step 2: Import your HTML existing file into Calibre

Step 3: Metadata & Cover image

Step 4: Insert Table of Content

Step 5: Build

Inside the Calibre Software

When you open the Calibre Software, it will open up with all the tabs laid out at the top.

Here is a print screen for you to follow. The page opens up like this with the working station in the middle.


To create your ebook with Clickable Table of Contents, you concentrate on the top row icons.

Tabs that you need to concentrate on the upper row icons


The top icon row is where you input all the information for your ebook.

Step 1 The book icon - Add book

The book icon is where you upload your HTML file of your book from your computer.


When you click on this image, it will take you to your computer to ask you to add your book. This is the place where you add in your ebook in HTML format.

Please Note: It has to be in HTML format!

Step 2 The MetaData Icon

After uploading your book, you can now click on the Meta Data icon here:


This place is for you to edit the metadata of your book.

You need to key in:

  • the name of the book
  • the author's name
  • the series name
  • the image of your book cover
  • 5 Star worth -- if your book is of quality and deserves 5 star, give yourself a 5 star.


In the above screen shot, I boxed in the 5 areas that you need to pay attention to to fill in your information.

After you are done, click on the OK tab at the bottom there.

Step 3 Build Book Tab - Convert Book

Now you are ready to build your eBook.

Click on this tab: Convert Book


When you click on this tab, you will be taken to the following page:


This is where all the magic begins to build your Book and creating the Clickable Table of Contents.

Step 4 - Decide on the Formatting of your book

  • Look at the Red arrow there
  • You can choose the formatting you want for your ebook
  • I chose epub for this particular piano book I created
  • You can choose mobi if you want. Amazon used to like .mobi format a lot. But now they take in .epub also.
  • When you click on the tab there, there is a drop down menu for you to choose the format

Step 5 - Table of Content

You want to make your Table of Content to be 'clickable'.


I have boxed in the 2 areas you need to concentrate on:

  1. Click on the Table of Content tab
  2. It will take you to the above screen shot.

The other red box is the 'code' you need to use to make your Table of content clickable.


This code is very important to use or else you won't be able to get your Table of Contents to become clickable.

Copy and paste this code from my tutorial into that field there.

Mine is already there because I have been using it for a long time. For newbies, you need to code that in in your first book creation.


Voila, your book is created with a Clickable Table of Content.

You can take a look at the screen shot below where I put in the arrow.


  • The arrow there is the Table of Contents that you see in users' ePub Reader
  • The list there below the Table of Contents are the pages that they can click on
  • This means that the user can navigate the book easily by clicking on the different chapters
  • If your Table of Contents is not clickable, the user will need to scroll to find the places for themselves
  • This is especially very valuable when it comes to Tutorial Books where people just want to go to the specific pages

You are all good to go now to upload your ebook onto Amazon, Apple, or other ebook selling platforms.

Video Tutorial:

5 Easy STEPS to follow watching my demonstration

I want to provide a video for you to see how easy it is to create ebooks with Clickable Table of Contents. It is not rock science. Everyone can do it. You can even train your teen age kids to do it to help them to create their own story books.

This video is about 4 minutes long and it will take you through all the 5 Steps from beginning to end in using the Calibre software.

While many people think it is very difficult, I want to tell you that it is not difficult at all after you finish watching my video.

The video is very self explanatory. All the step are shown clearly!

I have spent 7 years helping thousands of people to format their ebooks to Clickable Table of Contents that I can do it with my eyes closed now. Because of my formatting services for them, many of my clients are selling their ebooks in Amazon and Apple bookstores.

I won't write the details of each step here since everything is laid out very clearly in this video.

You can stop the video at as you move along in creating your own ebook.

Here is the Link to the Calibre website to download the software:

Read the Calibre page and download their software onto your computer. After download, click execute and start using this software to create Table of Contents to your ebooks.

Here is the code link to the Calibre open source project.

I hope you have enjoyed watching this video.

Do comment below and tell me what you think.

Or if you have any questions to ask, feel free to ask.

Thank you for your attention,

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