in #christian-trail7 years ago

A blessed day to all my friends and Christian-trail family. Last week and until yesterday was really a busy days for me as I need to finish some of my pending works in the ministry but thankfully God is there to help me deliver one commitment at the time. I hope that today is a great day for me to start posting articles again. I just want to say that I am so blessed that I became a part of Christian-trail family.


So I believed each one of us here wants to experience God’s best in every areas of his/her life. It always our struggle as Christian to somehow enjoy God’s favor as we go along with our daily courses. Someone may ask this:In my Christian walk, I want to experience God’s best and enjoy it each passing day-- what then shall I do?

The answers lies on what Paul established upon his life as he focus on achieving his Godly goals. In applying the following non-negotiable truths, we too can experience God’s best in our life one moment at the time, especially if we will intentionally embrace the kind of goal Paul set for himself.


The word “goal” means “end, outcome, culmination, the purpose toward which something moves.” So if the Christian life is a goal oriented life, what therefore is our primary goal as Christian?

The goal set before us by the Holy Spirit has something to do with the Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul understand this clearly as he made a bold confession about it. He said:

“I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death.” – Philippians 3:10-11

Experiencing God’s best in our daily life has nothing to do in having a comfortable situation. It is by allowing ourselves to humbly submit to the Christian goal of knowing Christ. What does it mean? It means:
 To cultivate the intimacy of our relationship with Him.
 To stay in touch with Jesus, to focus our attention upon His great love for us.
 To give importance to the work of salvation that the Father bestowed upon us through Jesus.

In doing so, we will be able to understand the value of Christ’s unconditional love, his selfless sacrifice done in humility.

Apostle Paul doesn’t stop there instead he mentioned that he also want to experience the power of Christ resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His suffering. What is that “power of Christ resurrection?” My friend that is the power to die for our own selves and to start living a selfless life for Christ’s sake. That same power that resurrect Jesus from the dead is also in us.


If Jesus learned to die for himself so that we may live, then, God may empower you as well to deny yourself and to start to live Jesus and for others. You can’t shout victory over your Christian life until you reach that certain goal of knowing Christ and in the process loving Him and becoming like Him.

We are all blessed! Stay in touch with the Lord!


Image content: https://thorncreek.church/


This is beautiful. Seeing these kinds of posts really inspires me. As a child, I have been born into a predominantly Christian family, but as I grew older I denied my religion and got absorbed by New Age beliefs. That kind of ideology and lifestyle took over my whole life; I was living like a fanatic. But recently I had the urge to look back into Christianity and the Bible, which I have never read or have been than familiar with, and can see how my life is transforming. I am now a believer and am so excited to see people like you sharing His love here on Steemit! I am a poet, and on my blog I have started posted some poems about my experience, along with lots of poetry on different topics. Here is one that really relates to what I have just written: https://steemit.com/poetry/@lukakorba/he-saved-me-poem If you are at all interested and/or have some time, I invite you to read some of my work. Thank you for this post. :)

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