in Steem Ghana2 years ago


Hi guys,

Welcome to another day in my life.

We are currently on vacation and must say I am enjoying it even though the break is a short one.

This morning I woke up at 4:40. We normally pray at 4:50 but luckily the mosque is not far from my house. I could stretch lying in bed for those few extra minutes. For some people it might be too early but I can assure you that there are plenty of people awake that early in my hometown

After prayers I crawled back into my bed as I did not go to bed early the previous night. There was this new Hindu movie I was watching on Netflix and I wanted to finish it (I couldn't though), I ended up dozing off. Something I know you are all too familiar with.

At around 7 in the morning I had to wake up because I am the one who sweeps the house, I normally do that before my dad comes and sit in the hall. So I have to be fast about it. After I finished sweeping I prepared breakfast for my dad.

I fried the egg and toasted the bread in the frying pan. Fried eggs are so yummy!

When I finished with all that I prepared I thought of spoiling myself with some tea. I wanted to take cold tea with ice cubes today so I did that. You should try sometime.

Whilst I was eating I was watching a telenovela on television.


Am not a fan of telenovelas but I had to watch it because my brother was watching it and I just wanted to watch something while I was eating.

When I finished eating I went onto Steemit to see who posted what. I love reading all the engagement posts so that is where I started. I also make sure that I vote and reply on the posts. I am fighting hard to be part of a club status. Fingers cross that it will happen soon!

At around 11 I had to come out and prepare food. These days I have to prepare lunch because mom comes back from school late and my dad doesn't cook too. I don’t mind doing this as my parents took good care of me when I was younger.


I boiled yam with stew so that we could have that as our lunch.

After cooking it was almost time for afternoon prayers so I hurried and made my way to the mosque for that one.

After prayers, I came back home and served my dad his food before serving myself.

Right after eating I was feeling all tired and sleepy so I decided to take a rest.
I was sleeping when a friend called me and told me he was on his way to my house so had to get up and welcome him.

When he came around he asked me to show him a washing bay around our side so that he could get his motor bike washed.


I took him to the roadside where a washing bay is located so that he could get his bike washed. After washing his bike we came back to my house and then we had a wonderful time. We discussed a bit about school, Steemit and everything. One day is one day that I will get him to sign up for Steemit.

Am glad he made time to visit today. It was wonderful seeing him.

Well, I didn't have a lot to do today but I did a bit of everything. How time flies as it is almost time for bed so that will be all for now.

A man's got to rest now.

 2 years ago 

Wonderful pictures. I am always happy to see guys cooking 😀 . I hope you are such a good cook as I am.

😂😂I try my best but am not too good at cooking . But I do have a few dishes I think am exceptional in cooking.

Nice dairy bro. Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you.☺️

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Have a nice day.

Plagiarism0% (100% steemexclusive)
Club Status50✔
Percentage Vote30%

Curated by @ispin

Thank you @ispin

 2 years ago 

I have never tried iced tea before, maybe i should

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