Jean Arp. Leaves and drops

in #photography6 years ago

Arp Zhan (Khans Arp; fr. Jean Arp, nem. Hans Arp; 16 sentyabrya 1886, Strasburg — 7 iyunya 1966, Bazel') — nemetskiy i frantsuzskiy poet, khudozhnik, grafik, skul'ptor.
Arp uchilsya v Strasburgskoy shkole iskusstv i remesel, v 1908 godu — v Akademii Zhyuliana v Parizhe. V 1912 godu poznakomilsya v Myunkhene s Kandinskim, rabotal nad al'manakhom ekspressionistov «Siniy vsadnik». Nachal publikovat'sya kak poet. V 1914 v Kol'ne poznakomilsya s Maksom Ernstom, v tom zhe godu vstretilsya v Parizhe s Apollinerom, Pikasso, Modil'yani, Soney i Roberom Delone. V 1915 v Tsyurikhe stal odnim iz zachinateley dadaizma. Illyustriroval knigi sotovarishchey — Tristana Ttsara, Bendzhamena Pere, Rikharda Khyul'zenbeka. V 1917 nachal zanimat'sya skul'pturoy. V 1920 poznakomilsya v Berline s Lisitskim i Kurtom Shvittersom. V 1924 g. pereyezzhayet v Parizh, znakomitsya s Mondrianom. Voshol v krug syurrealistov, byl blizok k abstraktsionizmu. C 1925 vmeste s zhenoy, khudozhnitsey Sofi Toyber, poselilsya v gorodke Klamar, na granitse Modonskikh lesov, k yugo-zapadu ot Parizha. Napisal stsenariy fil'ma Khansa Rikhtera «Den' kak den'» (1929 g., v odnoy iz roley snyalsya S. Eyzenshteyn). V 1940—1946 gg., spasayas' ot gitlerovtsev, zhil v Shveytsarii, zatem snova v Klamare. V 1959 g. obosnovalsya v Sol'duno, pod Lokarno.
Samaya krupnaya kollektsiya proizvedeniy Arpa nakhoditsya v Muzeye novogo i sovremennogo iskusstva v Strasburge, ploshchad' pered kotorym nosit imya khudozhnika. Yego imenem nazvan takzhe kul'turnyy tsentr v Klamare, ulitsa v XIII okruge Parizha. S 1979 v Klamare deystvuyet Fond Arpa (v 2004 poluchil status natsional'nogo muzeya).
Chto eto - prozrachnyye kapli dozhdya, proyavlyayushchiyesya na stekle lish' tonkim polukruzhiyem teney, ili padeniye list'yev v bezvetrennom prostranstve? Bezmolviye parit v etoy kamernoy vechnosti, iz kotoroy slovno vykachen tok vremeni. Poetichnyye i polnyye metafizicheskoye smysla proizvedeniya Arpa chasto vklyuchayut rel'yefnyye skul'pturnyye formy, napominayushchiye organicheskiye obrazovaniya. Derevyannyye rel'yefy, podobnyye privedennomu zdes', sushchestvuyut v svoyem prostranstvennom kontekste, nesoizmerimom s real'nym mirom.
Arp Jean (Hans Arp, Jean Arp, German Hans Arp, September 16, 1886, Strasbourg - June 7, 1966, Basel) - German and French poet, artist, graphic artist, sculptor.
Arp studied at the Strasbourg School of Arts and Crafts, in 1908 - at the Julian Academy in Paris. In 1912 he met in Munich with Kandinsky, worked on the anthology of expressionists "The Blue Horseman." He began to publish as a poet. In 1914 in Cologne he met Max Ernst, in the same year he met in Paris with Apollinaire, Picasso, Modigliani, Sonya and Robert Delaunay. In 1915 in Zurich became one of the pioneers of Dada. Illustrated the books of associates - Tristan Tzara, Benjamin Pere, Richard Hulzenbeck. In 1917 he began to study sculpture. In 1920 he met in Berlin with Lisitsky and Kurt Schwitters. In 1924 he moved to Paris, met Mondrian. He entered the circle of the Surrealists, was close to abstract art. In 1925, together with his wife, artist Sophie Tiber, he settled in Clamar, on the border of the forests of the Meadows, southwest of Paris. He wrote the script for Hans Richter's film "Day as Day" (1929, in one of the roles was directed by S. Eisenstein). In 1940-1946, fleeing from the Nazis lived in Switzerland, then again in Clamart. In 1959 he settled in Solduno, near Locarno.
The largest collection of works of Arpa is in the Museum of New and Contemporary Art in Strasbourg, the square in front of which bears the name of the artist. His name is also the cultural center in Clamart, a street in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Since 1979 in Clamart operates the Arpa Fund (in 2004 received the status of a national museum).
What is it - transparent drops of rain, appearing on the glass only a thin semicircle of shadows, or the fall of leaves in the windless space? Silence hovers in this chamber eternity, from which the current of time seems to be pumped out. The poetic and metaphysical meaning of Arp's work often includes relief sculptural forms reminiscent of organic formations. Wooden reliefs, like the one given here, exist in their spatial context, incommensurable with the real world.

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