My adventures. Russia part 1

in #travel7 years ago

Chelyabinsk and Kopeysk 


Earlier in the year I went to our factory in Kopeysk. This was actually my second visit.

We arrived at about 3am after travelling for 19 hours on 3 flights. Birmingham to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Moscow and finally Moscow to Chelyabinsk.

Although I work only a couple of miles from home, my work is exclusively for the factory.

The factory office

The factory started life during WWII in the Ukraine but moved for protection to its current location in Kopeysk. It makes mining equipment and supplies 90% of all mining machines used for potash extraction.


While at the factory, I do not really get to see much of Russia. During the cold period, the workers are allowed to bring their plants to work where it remains warm all year.


We travel from the hotel in Chelyabinsk to the factory.

We stay all day, including eating in the management's canteen.


Chelyabinsk is a large city of 1.2 million people and is very industrialised.


It is quite grey and set out in large squares, just like some large American cities. The roads are very wide with 6 lanes running through the centre. They also have a large, well-used network of buses, trams and trolley buses.


Cars run about everywhere and overtake on either side. I only saw one accident while I was there. At one point, the 6 lanes converge to go under a bridge. How everyone makes it, I will never know.


Not everything is grey.


This time we left early, at 6am.

Chelyabinsk airport. Note you are not allowed to photograph Russia airfields.

Did I tell you it was -19degC (-2degF)


Part 2 Moscow


That collar looks a little tight. :)

hahaha, you are right!!!!

It looks colder than -19degC! Does the snow crunch underfoot? Nice looking lunch for the management. What do the workers get to eat?

Snow is very powdery and it does not feel that cold but my iPhone froze in Moscow taking photos. No idea what they get. Ours is always a 3 course meal served with wine and vodka. Caviar is also always served but in a different way each time.

Sound really good. It's got to be pretty cold to freeze the iPhone.

I just got the Ipad out and continued until it warmed up again.

upvoted and resteemed...also upvoted a couple of others while I was at

Thanks 😊

Small text. Living photos. I like such type of post.

very nice I hope to visit Birmingham and London as soon as possible ♥

You need a good week for London.

Wow! Russia is a very nice place to go to. It's in my travel list. Good thing you shared this to us. Thanks!

Hope you get there. Well worth a visit.

Yes! I hope so. Have a nice day!

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And I really love your post. Very very interesting.

Good post. Followed.

Nice post. I followed you and I'm looking forward for your next adventures. You could checkout my last weekend nature trip here. :)

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I have a question. There is a town in Russian or China not sure which Country, but there is a city at the border that all the street signs are in Russian but a lot of Chinese live there and they all speak Russian!!! That's amazing! I find a lot of bordering towns are very unique. Does anyone know the name of that city???

Are you thinking of Blagoveshchensk on the China Russia boarder. A lot of Russians look Chinese or Asian. Its the largest country and crosses from west to east. I was told everyone speaks Russian in Russia no matter where they lived.

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