Yoshta (Jostaberry): sweet and sour gooseberries

in #nature14 days ago

Gardeners have started growing yoshta on their plots recently. This bush has quickly become liked because it is easy to grow and produces a lot of fruit. Many gardeners appreciate its simple nature. It gives them a good harvest without much work.


Jostaberry is a mix of black currant and common gooseberry. The plant grows like a bush. It stays small and has a strong root system. Its shoots are sturdy and do not have thorns. The leaves are a dark green color, similar to currant leaves. They do not have a strong smell. The leaves stay on the plant for a long time, usually until winter.

Jostaberry blooms around the same time as blackcurrant bushes. The bush looks very pretty when it is flowering. Berries start to grow after the flowers fade. These berries have a sweet and sour taste, plus a dark color. Jostaberry starts to produce fruit just two years after it is planted.


The yoshta plant is new to gardens. Breeders first tried to cross gooseberries with currants in the early 1900s. They wanted to create a plant with a high yield and resistance to harsh conditions. This new plant was meant to be special.

Breeders from different countries tried to make this happen. But they could not get a strong and fruitful plant. The mixed bushes either could not reproduce or died. This made it hard to create the yoshta.


Finally, breeders succeeded in the 1970s. They named the hybrid yoshta. The name came from combining parts of the German names for gooseberry and currant. It was a simple way to name the new plant.

Since then, yoshta has appeared in many gardens. It has gradually gained attention from gardeners. They like its unique qualities and ease of growth.

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