Choices! What will it be? #55

Greetings and love to all!

Are you know friends, why I am here today? Yes, dear community friends you are right , I am here to today for being the part of this amazing contest. There are five topic for choice. I select the "Mystery". I shall share my knowledge with you through this post. I hope you will love it. So my respected I invite to you all for reading my this post from deep part of my heart. I pay my thanks to honourable @patjewell for giving chance to explain about Mystery.

Mystery is intriguing, mysterious and sometimes closely related to uneasy feelings, mysteriousness calls forth imagination drawing its shadows under the veil of fascination. It calls us to discover what is a new land for us by defining novelty and uncertainty and therefore gives rise to curiosity and creativity. Afterall, the mystery is not just a puzzle for solving. It is a key to opens the door of exploration at the same time to the world of wonder.
Imagine looking at the horizon of a primeval forest with a pall hiding the rich yet untold history of the interior. Can there be anything more intriguing than the hidden gems buried in the cloudy depths of an abandoned lake? For instance, evoke the hauntingly mysterious ambiance of a deteriorating mansion, where the half fallen façade hints at the tales of its former inhabitants and the treasure that has been lost. These are the whims that call us, making us hurry in a seductive dance towards the edge of the unknown. But why, do we sometimes, just for the fun of it, feel an urge to solve this puzzle of life, and explore the world of doubtfulness.


Nature of Mystery

Mysteriousness hinges on that very eloquent indescribable element that leads people to obsession and interest. This interesting unseen essence connected to our inner being is the aboriginal consciousness which always challenges our determination of finding the answers. Mystery, be it expressed in mythologies, unexplained events or astronomy, all the same puzzles humans to discover hitherto unreached territories that lie beyond the border of clear understanding.
Mystery shrouds us, veiled across every aspect of existence, and the representation in art manifests itself in an array of not same and individualized forms such as in literature,nature and the cosmos.

By literature this mystery is made manifest through the construction of plots that are either complex or obscure and characters that can easily be elusive. Nature is the source of mysteries that it hides in its unseen terrains and those yet to be explored. While the cosmos beholds in the broad horizon of space things that are beyond our understanding of not only the universe but also the universe itself.

Psychology of Mystery

The mystery can be distilled down to a set of psychological aspects that interact with each other. The curiosity to know and understand the unexplained elements creates an urge to have things be solved, giving us that sense of satisfaction and sureness.
At the same time the intrigue of the unknown lights a fire underneath our imagination, releasing it in a stream of emotions ranging from a sense of adventure and excitement to a fear born out of the unknown. A number of psychological theories are built up to find out the rationale behind our natural instinct to make ambiguity. However, mystery also sparks curiosity because it offers contestable puzzles for search and discoveries, arousing inspiration as we strive to peak beneath the emblem of the unknown.


Mystery in Literature and Film

The mystery genre can be considered as one of the pillars for literature, especially, its relation to detective fiction, thrillers, and speculative literature. The Authors of these genres use a magical and mesmerizing way to weave plots that are not only mysterious but also characters that are so attractive, the readers lose themselves in the plots. Also, in the case of film and television, mysteries are the element that can be used as a weapon to catch the audience’s mind and to keep them hooked until the last point of the movie they are watching or the series they are following has been finally resolved.

The reality is that Sherlock Holmes stories, as written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, are one such classic that shows how mystery continues to amuse audiences in different forms from print to screen while leaving an indelible mark in popular culture.

Mystique of Unsolved Cases

The unknown has always been a topic on the public agenda, through any unsolved mystery pushing the imagination to the extreme and prompting the curiosity. For the Bermuda Triangle case, where mystified disappearances of vessels and planes are hypothesized, it is one of the most made debatable and mysterious issues. The very identity of the Whitechapel Murderer and his heinous atrocities till date evade comprehension of criminologists and historians. As an addition to that, Amelia Earhart's vanishing, an American pioneering aviator, has given birth to countless theories which have still not been unravelled. These events serve as a lasting source of mystery due to their mysteriousness, thus creating an atmosphere for suppositions and quests for the clues, in turn, feeding into their long existence in minds of the people.


Mystery in Science and Exploration

Curiosity is the aspect that accelerates the scientific research and investigation and then human is tending to decode the cosmic mysteries. Pieces of the puzzle such as the mysterious dark matter, black holes and the unknown depths of the ocean are the today's outstanding mysteries we encounter. Through exploring these hidden secrets, scientists challenge the limits of human understanding and carry on deepening the mysteries of the
universe and our home planet. Enigma is a motivator to innovate and explore, fuelling us into the unknown territory of revelation.


Embracing Mystery in Everyday Life

The inclusion of mystery in the ordinary heightens our lives, as it leads to the emergence of a sense of wonder and curiosity. Doubt is an opportunity to challenge ourselves to discover new views and horizons, and this pursuit often brings personal growth and fulfilment. By becoming friends with uncertainty, we can appreciate life's unforeseeability and all the possibilities within its boundaries. To nourish the curiosity, motivate the readers to get involved in activities such as stargazing, exploring nature or their favourite hobby, creating awe and a spirit of exploration of our daily lives.


An Example of Mystery

I am going to sharing an example of mystery. My love game a gift box on the event of my birthday. I am not know what is in the gift box. That is mystery for me, and only solve by opening this gift pack. Before opening this box, this remain a mystery for me.
Another example of mystery is when we start watch a drama or film, we take interest in the story, it is a mystery for us what will be happened at the end? When we have watched all episodes of drama, or complete film, our mystery solved.

There is always something mysterious and appealing about it, and this is the reasonwhy mystery is so much intriguing and interesting for us, as it is unfathomable and inspires our exploration and quest for more. One example of mysteries giving us the desire to unravel the unknown is from literature to science mysteries serve as the inspiration that leads us to understand more and more of the unknown. Encourage readers to view mystery as a springboard to more and more things of wonder and also a guide through which they could search for more knowledge and ultimately higher levels of themselves. Embracing the unknown along our way opens the world of magic that we can envelop ourselves giving us a chance to discover infinite new opportunities.

Remember me in your prayer

I invite to my dear friend
for taking part in this contest.

Thanks! for being with me
Special thanks


Best Regards



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Hi @safdarali,

Thank you for contributing 10% of your post to support community growth.

It was an intresting read... I wish you luck in the contest!

Thank you for participating…..

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Thank you so much for reviewing my post

 last month 

First of all thank you so much sir you invited me and made me a part of your post. I got a lot of information from reading your post. You have explained everything very well and with detail. Thank you so much for the information

Thanks to you dear steemit fellow for your precious time and valuable comments.

 last month 

Greetings dear @safdarali ! I pay my thanks to you that you invited me to your post. Your writing skill is very good.You are right mystery is not just a puzzle for solving.I learnt a lot from your post.My best wishes with you.

Thank ro you, you spent your precious time to read my post and your nuce feedback with encouraging words.

Mysteries is said to be all around us. From the tides of the sea to the harmonious tweeting of the birds, mysteries are all around. I guess that why a genre of movie was tagged mystery. One of the unexplained mysteries in the world still remains Bermuda triangle. Good luck o your entry.

Thank you so much dear friend

 last month 

Oh my friend!!!
You wrote such a nice post but I cannot take it into consideration. The contest ends on a Monday.

You must always make sure that you follow ALL the rules of a contest!
I hope to see your entry this week.

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