Banana Planting Procedures

in #homesteading7 years ago

Banana fruit is one fruit that has many benefits. The nutrients contained in this fruit is very much needed by the body. This banana plant is already very popular among our society especially because this plant has been very often planted at home.

Moreover, business opportunities that can be obtained from this banana is also still very wide because of the many benefits that can be obtained. In general, nowadays banana is not much to do intensive cultivation. Only a few people who do massive cultivation. Therefore, the cultivation of bananas is in great demand by all walks of life. Here are the techniques needed for how to plant banana trees for vulkan fruit.

  1. Breeding of Banana Shoots

Usually, on the selection of banana seedlings is used by using buds. High shoots are usually used to be seedlings that have a height of about 1 - 1.5 m that has a tuber width of about 15-20 cm. To get the best results, we recommend that the seedlings used are taken from banana plants are included in the category of healthy and good. In addition, the height of the seeds of this plant will also affect the production of the banana plant itself.

In seedlings of banana plants itself is also divided into two types: old and young puppies. In this case, the adult saplings will have the potential to be better seeded because of their more mature readiness, that is, they already have prospective flowers and food supplies available inside the stem. In addition, the use of sprout shoots that are still spear-shaped and leaves that are still like swords are also better than the leaves of the buds have widened.

To get the seeds, what we can do is to buy or take from the garden itself. In the planting itself, the seedlings will be planted at a distance that is not too close between the trees that is with a distance of 2 x 2 m. In the parent tree will be left there are some shoots about 7 to 9 buds. If more than that, should be done also pruning in order to reduce the number of shoots that exist.

In addition, in order to avoid the pest and diseases in banana plants. Usually before planting the seedlings should be done some of the following ways.

After cutting the shoots of banana plants, we should clean the soil contained in the buds of banana plants.
Perform storage of seeds in a shade for 1 to 2 days so that the pieces contained in the banana bulbs to dry. Then, remove the broad leaves that are on the stem of the plant.
Perform the immersion of tuber bulbs, but only limited to the neck of the stem only by using insecticide 0.5 - 1% approximately 10 minutes. Then the seeds are dried again
If you do not have an insecticide, you should soak the tubers of banana plants by using clean water that flows for approximately 48 hours

  1. Media Planting

For its development, banana plants can grow by using soil that has a lot of humus, has a content of lime or heavy soil. Because basically this plant absorbs many nutrients found in the soil should be cultivation of banana plants using planting media or soil berumus that has been done fertilization.
In addition, water should also be available to grow banana plants. Although it is very necessary, but we must not make the plant flooded by water. However, the planting of the banana itself must be intensified water. When a banana plant is planted on wet soil, the water level required to plant is 5 to 200 cm.

If in the semi-wet area is about 100 - 200 cm and if in areas that are categorized as dry is 50 - 150 cm. If the planting medium used in the form of soil that previously had erosion, then the harvest resulting from banana plants will not be maximized. In addition, the land needed to grow bananas is a soil that is easy to absorb water. In addition, the banana plant can not grow if the soil used contains salt about 0.07%.

  1. Media Processing Banana Planting

How to plant banana tree is very easy that is with penglolahan good planting media. When opening the land to be used for planting. It is advisable that the land to be used has been considered as possible, especially in the climatic, economic, and market places where bananas will then be reprocessed. In addition it needs to be considered also from the safety of planting the plant.

The land used should also be clean from the pest-bug-pest which if in the future feared will disrupt the growth process of the banana itself. And it is necessary to do soil fusion so that the process of air exchange and toxins in the soil and make the irrigation canal so that the water channel can be controlled and not make banana plants get too much water in the process of growth

In addition, the soil should be made of terraces when the soil position is in sloping soil conditions, it should be made so that the ground can be used for planting. Plant plants like lamtoro to keep the soil away from erosion.

The drainage should then be made with a small slope if it is on flat ground. Then around the waterways planted with plants to avoid erosion of water channels that have been made.

  1. Banana Planting Technique

In the first 3 months, make the distance between plants that is quite wide. Use the pattern of intercropping tumpeng plant. Then make a planting hole with a hole size of 50 x 50 x 50 cm on a heavy soil, 30 x 30 x 30 cm for loose soil and density between 3 x 3 for medium-sized soil and 3.3 x 3.3 for heavy soil. How to plant Banana trees done before the rainy season, before the hole should be given organic fertilizer as much as 15-20 kg. By giving organic fertilizer, the fruit will be better.

  1. Maintenance techniques of banana plants

To get a good banana plant results. So it should be cutting the banana plant up to 3 - 4 stems in one clump. If you have entered the fifth year, then the clump should be replaced with new plants.

Weeding process should be regularly done in order to clean the weeds or parasite pests that are around the banana plant. Like the process of penyaingan in general, as well as the process of soil erosion and landfill back dappuran by soil for shoots and will more and more. Be careful when weeding because the roots of this banana plant is very short, that is only 15 cm below the surface of the soil.

Cleaning the leaves that have started to dry also need to be done in order to maintain the cleanliness of plants and the environment, this is usually called the split.

Do watering so that the planted bananas can flourish and produce a lot of banana production. Give the water to the plants by watering it or by giving water to the ditches around the banana plant.

Typically, pests located in this banana plant is a caterpillar, caterpillar leaves, and caterpillar flowers. The easiest way to overcome this is by using insecticides such as Malathion and Pestona.

  1. Elevation Place Banana Planting

Actually, this banana plant belonging to plants that can be planted anywhere, which can accept the condition of the highlands and drought. If in Indonesia, in general, bananas can grow and develop in the lowlands to the mountains with an altitude of 2,000 mdpl. However, for other types can reach a height of 1000 mdpl.


This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom

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