How to Plant a Coconut Tree

in #homesteading7 years ago

coconut cultivation is one example of a business that can make money is fairly high because the need for a place to eat always need a special coconut to be ice. Therefore, mentioned is a technique that is required in conducting the cultivation of coconut crops

  • Choosing a Seed

The seeds used are derived from tree plants that have entered the age of about 20-40 years old. The fruit production rate is about 80 - 120 fruit / tree / year or with other estimates about 25 kg / tree / year, straight and strong stems with clean leaves and plants that are free from pests and diseases.

To select the seeds, can be done by selecting old plants that are + - 12 months. Look for coconut with 4/5 type of coconut skin has brown color, round, and a slightly oval shape, smooth and smooth fruit, has a fruit length about 22-25 cm and fruit width about 17-22 cm.

  • Preparing the Seed

After selecting the seeds, the seedlings should be performed approximately 1 month in a place where the air is fresh, not leaking, dry, and not exposed to direct sunlight with the right air temperature for the place is about 25 - 27 degrees C

  • Technique of Seeding With Polybag

Give the wound to the coconut seeds about 5 cm long in the place where the coir arises on the side of the handle facing the widest side with a knife. Do not give wounds twice

Apply seed planting with a depth of about 2/3 of the wound that has been provided with face up and microtil facing eastward.

The position of planting makes posisis triangular intersect. In diameter the square distance is filled with about 30 - 35 seeds.

Seeding done in polybags will take approximately 6 to 12 months, and begin to leaf about 6 strands with a rod height of about 90 -100 cm.

  • Maintenance When Seeding

Here's how to plant a coconut tree at a good maintenance stage:

Do watering by using water to saturated soil, then can be watered using a hose or springkel done in the morning and evening. The need for this plant depends on the age of the seedlings that have been planted

If necessary, administer insecticide or fungicide with a dosage of about 2 cc / liter and equally applied to all parts of the plant

Give organic fertilizer and do the fertilizer for once a month by mixing with the soil that is in polybag with a thickness of 3 cm

Choose seeds that grow perfectly within a month

  • Seed Transfer

Notice how to plant the following coconut trees in transplanting seedlings:

Transfer of seedlings should be done when entering the rainy season.

The obligatory polybag seeds can be removed when the age on the plants has reached the age of 9-12 months. Roots that arise beyond polybags should be cut in the previous two to three days

  • Media Planting

Because the coconut plant can grow in various growing media such as laterite, sand, rocky soil, and alluvian. But to make the planted coconut plant has the best productivity as well as planted by using alluvial soil.
For growth, land that has the availability of groundwater is needed coconut plant. In addition, the groundwater obtained should have the same availability as the water present in the rainfall during the first month

The soil used to grow this coconut plant is flat soil, if it has a slope (about 3-50%) then it is better to make the terrace to avoid erosion on the soil and also to maintain fertility on the soil.

  • Processing Media Planting

Calcify if soil pH has a high acidity level. Do this until the soil pH reaches 6 - 8.

Give fertilizer by using 300 gram TSP fertilizer for each hole to be planted

  • Planting Technique

Here is how to plant coconut trees properly and correctly:

Do the method of planting with the method of planting a triangle of the land used and make the plants exposed to sunlight maximally. Plant plants with a range of 9 x 9 x 9 meters

Make a planting hole before entering 1-2 months before planting to remove from soil acidity. Size to be used is 60 x 60 x 60 cm to 100 x 100 x 100 cm

Do the planting of coconut plants at the beginning of the rainy season. When the rain has fallen in the near future and spelled can be to wet the head plants.

Then the time of planting in the next month is when rainfall at the previous time reached level 200 mm

  • Method of Planting

The top of the soil mixed with phosphate fertilizer with a dose of 300 grams per hole, then the seeds are inserted into the planting hole

In the bottom polybag inserted into the planting hole, then in the iris to the end

  • Weeding

Do weeding on a 1 meter wide palm fruit plate in the first year, 1.5 in the second year, and 2 meters in the third year. What needs to be done is to use a machete that is directed inward to cut parasites and plant pests to the limit of the soil surface. Perform weeding for 4 weeks in the rainy season and 6 weeks - 2 months in the dry season.

  • Penjarangan dan Penyulaman

Thinning and Stitching is the exchange of flourishing plants with defects. If the plants have abnormal growth, then the plant should be replaced with other seeds

  • Forging

Rejection is to remove leaves that have been brown colored because it is dry. Climb the coconut plant and then remove the dead leaves

  • Fertilization

Fertilization is done when the cultivated land is lack of nutrients for plants. Usually in the first month is used 100 grams of urea fertilizer given at 15 cm from the base of the coconut tree stem. Further fertilization is twice in one year when the rainy season ends around April or May and when the beginning of the rainy season has arrived that is October or November.

  • Maintenance Technique

Do watering when entering the dry season and the rains are raining. To prevent this should be done a controlled watering is done about three days. Instead, watering is done in the afternoon

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