Traveling is unfortunately not really possible at the moment, so i roam around in ...

in APPICS3 years ago

... my environment. It took me once again, as almost every day, in a forest, thought and worried about the future of my children and grandchildren. Suddenly Lilly ( in the woods here is leash compulsory😉) pulled me to a certain tree. And as it seems, not without reason. I want to send you this heart in love, for hope, cohesion and confidence........Face what comes your way not with fear, but with hope. Franz von Sales-


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Wonderful picture and better times ahead 👌

Always follow you dog💗💗😊

😁....i will do that💞🤗

This is a symbol of love, I mean my love to you🥰💚💛💙

That's so sweet 😘. A big hug for you🤗💞

I think that a branch broke off and so the tree closed its wound🤓💞

Beautiful! I’m also a Sagittarius and dogmom who loves the outdoors! I love your profile! 💓

Very interested of nature ❤️❤️👌

We all just need to explore...

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