SEC17 WK:#5: caring for aged and dependent relatives in the family

in Steem Kids & Parents22 days ago

Greetings to you all!
Family members should have strong bond with each other always but there are some exceptional cases which require extra care like if there are agent people in your family and if there are needy people in your family which may be come totally dependent or somehow dependent on you with time or with any happening in their life.


In my family, there are some of my family friends that are totally dependent on other people because they have no man in their life that can bring bread and butter for them so my family and other family members that are more close to them always support them and care them by giving them different gifts.

Now these two ladies that are my family friends are totally dependent on others and that was all due to circumstances through which they have to pass because before their complete dependency on others they were living a happy life with their family but unfortunately one man was diabetic patient so he had and heart attack and before his death there was a young person who was an electrician also have an electric shock due to which he died so it was really horrible for these two ladies to face that situation.

It is important to not that when we take care of any family member and especially those that are needy in our family then it doesn't mean that we have to realise them that we are giving them Charity because it can hurt them and rather than this we can give any important gift to them that they can use for long time.


In my case my family always give them gifts in the form of clothes especially around any event like Islamic festival Eid as well as in normal routine we also give them special food when we cook it in our home because any little act of goodness can bring smile on their face.

That was all about a real story from my family and real kindness of my family towards that two ladies that are alone and that are totally dependent on others but it was also interesting that how we can help others without realizing them that they are poor and needy and by this weekend also take care of others emotions.

I want to invite


Have a blessed day

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Es importante darle a conocer a la persona que requiere de nuestra ayuda que esto lo estamos haciendo con mucho amor y agrado dándole lo mejor que se pueda para hacerlo sentir bien y así su salud vaya mejorando cada día.

Mostrándole mucho amor, cariño, su recuperación puede ser más placentera, los obsequios son algo necesarios para darle alegría y mucha felicidad.

 22 days ago 

You do a very noble work, your family gets help and they don't have to feel embarrassed. Help given always gives a feeling of gratitude. During your festival Eid, you give clothes and home cooked food as gifts. It is right that such a gift should be given which will last for a long time and will also help them. Of course, if even the smallest work brings a smile to someone's face, it is priceless.


You have also given your opinion about this and you have also told about your family and you have told that there are quite a lot of people in my family who cannot even get their own bread and I would like to say that you You should take care of them and talk to them, sit next to them, and those who are family members, you should give mother-in-law to them so that they take care of them as much as possible and as you have said, we are all on the road on Eid. wear clothes Now there are some people who are poor who don't have new clothes to wear that's why I have created my own NGO because I am a social welfare student I am a social worker so this is my job I want to help the poor, so I gave rations etc. in many houses during Ramadan and at the same time I gave some money and clothes to people especially children and old people, that's what I want to say at this time. that we should do as many things as possible in which other people are benefited and if we do such a good deed then Allah will be pleased with us and He will bless us a lot and we should do as much as we can. May Allah bless us and double them with others

 22 days ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem Kids and Parents Community.

@sahar78, you have written well on the topic of caring for the aged and dependent relatives in the family. It is always good for us to care for the aged and the dependent people who are weak due to some circumstances they found themselves. I wish you success in this contest.

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